ExpressionEngine Docs

System Configuration Overrides

Warning: This article covers advanced topics.

By default, ExpressionEngine’s system settings are managed in the Control Panel and stored in the database, but these settings can be overridden with one of 3 configuration files: the main configuration file, the site index file, and the CP index file.

You can also set your own global variables in the above mentioned files.

Main configuration file

The main configuration file, found at system/user/config/config.php, is loaded every time the system is run, meaning that config overrides set in config.php always affect the system’s configuration.

Site Index File

The site index file is the index.php file found in the web root of the ExpressionEngine installation. This file acts like the gateway to the front-end of the site. Since all web requests for a site’s front-end pass through the site index file, there are a set of configuration overrides you can include in this file to alter ExpressionEngine’s configuration. Keep in mind that any overrides set in the site index file only affect the system’s behavior for front-end pages. (Even if you have removed index.php from your site’s URLs, all front-end web requests are still handled by the site index file.)

Note: Overrides available for use in the site index file are limited to cp_url, is_site_on, newrelic_app_name, site_404, site_index, site_name, site_url, template, and template_group.

CP Index File

The CP index file is the admin.php file also found in the installation’s web root. The CP index file is similar to the site index file except that it acts as the gateway for all web requests to the Control Panel. And similarly, any overrides set in the CP index file only affect the system’s behavior for CP pages accessed through that particular CP index file (e.g.

Note: Overrides available for use in the CP index file are limited to cp_url, newrelic_app_name, and site_name.

ExpressionEngine’s settings are loaded in this order at runtime:

  1. Settings stored in the database are loaded.
  2. Settings in config.php are loaded and override settings loaded from the database.
  3. If a front-end page is being served, a limited array of settings in index.php are loaded and override any settings loaded from the database and the main configuration file.
  4. If a CP page is being served, a limited array of settings in admin.php are loaded and override any settings loaded from the database and the main configuration file.


Click “Show List” below to list all available overrides, or scroll through the list of overrides and their descriptions further below.

Show List


Set whether words commonly found in the dictionary can be used as passwords. Must be used in combination with name_of_dictionary_file.

Value Behavior
y Yes, allow dictionary words as passwords
n No, do not allow dictionary words as passwords

Example Usage:

$config['allow_dictionary_pw'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Allow Dictionary Words as Passwords


Set whether extensions are enabled in the system. Disabling extensions will not uninstall extensions.

Value Behavior
y Enable all extensions (default)
n Disable all extensions

Example Usage:

$config['allow_extensions'] = 'y';


Set whether dates and times are localized to each members’ own localization preferences.

Value Behavior
y Show dates and times localized to each members’ preferences
n Show all dates and times localized to the site default

Example Usage:

$config['allow_member_localization'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Members: Allow members to set their own localization preferences


Set whether site visitors are allowed to register for accounts.

Value Behavior
y Allow front-end member registration
n Do not allow front-end member registration

Example Usage:

$config['allow_member_registration'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Members: Allow New Member Registrations


Set whether an account can have multiple active sessions at one time.

Note: This feature is incompatible with the “Cookies Only” session type.

Value Behavior
y Allow multiple active sessions per account
n Do not allow multiple active sessions per account

Example Usage:

$config['allow_multi_logins'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Allow multiple log-ins from a single account


Set whether members of the Pending member role can log in or not. By default, Pending members cannot log in.

Value Behavior
y Allow Pending member log in
n Do not allow Pending members to log in (default)

Example Usage:

$config['allow_pending_login'] = 'y';


Set whether the toggle to enable/disable PHP in templates is displayed.

Value Behavior
y Show toggle to allow PHP in templates
n Hide toggle to allow PHP in templates (default)

Example Usage:

$config['allow_php'] = 'y';


Set whether member signatures are enabled when using Discussion Forum.

Value Behavior
y Enable member signatures
n Disable member signatures

Example Usage:

$config['allow_signatures'] = 'y';


Set whether a tab keystroke produces a tab in Publish Page and Template Editor textareas. This is the default behavior.

Value Behavior
y Insert tab on tab keystroke in textareas (default)
n Normal browser behavior on tab keystroke in textareas

Example Usage:

$config['allow_textarea_tabs'] = 'y';


Set whether ?URL= query string is enabled on the front-end.

Value Behavior
n Disables ?URL= query string redirecting users on the front-end (default)
y Allows ?URL= query string to be used to redirect users to external domains


Set whether members can change their own usernames after registration.

Value Behavior
y Allow members to change their own usernames
n Do not allow members to change their own usernames

Example Usage:

$config['allow_username_change'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Allow members to change their username


List extra domains that can be used to show live preview. You will need this if your site or CP is using domain that is not configured as Site URL or CP URL. Can be array or comma-separated string.

Example Usage:

$config['allowed_preview_domains'] = ',';

$config['allowed_preview_domains'] = ['', ''];


The installation’s ExpressionEngine version.

Warning: This configuration variable is automatically set by the system and should not be modified.


Set whether to assign an entry to both the selected category and its parent category.

Value Behavior
y Entry will be assigned to the selected category and its parent category
n Entry will only be assigned to the selected category

Example Usage:

$config['auto_assign_cat_parents'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Content & Design: Auto-Assign Category Parents


Set the interval between autosaves on the Publish Page.

Value Description
integer Autosave interval in seconds (default is 10)

Example Usage:

$config['autosave_interval_seconds'] = '30';


Set the age at which Channel Entry autosaves are automatically deleted.

Value Description
integer Pruning age in hours (default is 6)

Example Usage:

$config['autosave_prune_hours'] = '4';


Set the maximum height (in pixels) allowed for user-uploaded avatars.

Value Description
integer Max height (in pixels)

Example Usage:

$config['avatar_max_height'] = '120';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Avatars: Avatar Maximum Height


Set the maximum file size (in kilobytes) allowed for user-uploaded avatars.

Value Description
integer Max file size (in kilobytes)

Example Usage:

$config['avatar_max_kb'] = '200';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Avatars: Avatar Maximum Size


Set the maximum width (in pixels) allowed for user-uploaded avatars.

Value Description
integer Max width (in pixels)

Example Usage:

$config['avatar_max_width'] = '120';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Avatars: Avatar Maximum Width


Set the server path to the avatar directory.

Value Description
path Full server path to writable avatar directory

Example Usage:

$config['avatar_path'] = '/path/images/avatars/';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Avatars: Server Path to Avatar Folder


Set the URL to the avatar directory.

Value Description
URL URL to avatar directory

Example Usage:

$config['avatar_url'] = '';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Avatars: URL to Avatar Folder


Set the action to be taken when a visitor with a banned IP address attempts access.

Value Behavior
restrict Restrict the user to viewing the site only
message Show the user a specific message ban_message
bounce Redirect the user to a specified site ban_destination

Example Usage:

$config['ban_action'] = 'message';


Set the redirect destination for visitors with banned IP addresses. Must be used in conjunction with ban_action set to bounce.

Value Description
URL Destination URL

Example Usage:

$config['ban_destination'] = '';


Set the message shown to visitors with banned IP addresses. Must be used in conjunction with ban_action set to message.

Value Description
text Message to be shown to user

Example Usage:

$config['ban_message'] = 'This site is currently unavailable.';


Set the system to deny a visitor access if the user’s IP address cannot be determined while throttling is enabled.

Value Behavior
y Deny access to visitors without IP addresses
n Allow access to visitors without IP addresses

Example Usage:

$config['banish_masked_ips'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Access Throttling: Deny Access if No IP Address is Present


Set a custom message to show throttled visitors. Throttling must be enabled and banishment_type must be set to message.

Value Description
text Custom message to show user

Example Usage:

$config['banishment_message'] = 'You have exceeded the allowed page load frequency.';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Access Throttling: Custom Message


Set the system’s method for handling throttled web requests.

Value Behavior
404 Respond to the request with standard 404 headers (default)
redirect Redirect the user to a specified URL banishment_url
message Show the user a custom message banishment_message

Example Usage:

$config['banishment_type'] = 'message';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Access Throttling: Action to Take


Set a URL to serve as the redirect destination for throttled visitors. Throttling must be enabled and banishment_type must be set to redirect.

Value Description
URL Destination URL for throttled visitors

Example Usage:

$config['banishment_url'] = '';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Access Throttling: URL for Redirect


Specify email addresses to ban from site registration and login. Use wildcards for partial email addresses.

Value Description
email Pipe-delimited list of email addresses and/or wildcard domains

Example Usage:

$config['banned_emails'] = '[email protected]|[email protected]|*';

Also found in CP: Members --> Ban Settings: Banned Email Addresses


Specify IP addresses to ban from site registration and login. Use wildcards to ban blocks of IP addresses.

Value Description
IP Pipe-delimited list of IP addresses

Example Usage:

$config['banned_ips'] = '123.456.789.1|123.321.*';

Also found in CP: Members --> Ban Settings: Banned IP Address


Specify screen names that cannot be used for member accounts, which can be handy for reserving certain screen names for your own use.

Value Description
screen name Pipe-delimited list of screen names to restrict

Example Usage:

$config['banned_screen_names'] = 'Garfield|Snoopy|Hobbes';

Also found in CP: Members --> Ban Settings: Restricted Screen Names


Specify usernames that cannot be used for member accounts, which can be handy for reserving certain usernames for your own use.

Value Description
username Pipe-delimited list of usernames to restrict

Example Usage:

$config['banned_usernames'] = 'garfield|snoopy|hobbes';

Also found in CP: Members --> Ban Settings: Restricted Usernames


Set your site’s base server path for use in other path configurations. Once set, this value is made available via a {base_path} variable that can be placed in server path fields in the control panel for easy environment management.

Value Description
path Server path, typically to your site’s root

Example Usage:

$config['base_path'] = '/var/www/html/';

Also found in CP: Settings --> URL and Path Settings: Default base path


Set your site’s base URL for use in other URL configurations. Once set, this value is made available via a {base_url} variable that can be placed in other URL configuration fields in the control panel for easy environment management.

Value Description
URL URL to your site

Example Usage:

$config['base_url'] = '';

Also found in CP: Settings --> URL and Path Settings: Default base URL


Specify a different caching driver to use.

Values Description
file File driver, /system/user/cache/ (default)
memcached Memcached driver, configured with memcached config
redis Redis driver, configured with redis config
dummy Dummy driver, will not cache

Example Usage:

$config['cache_driver'] = 'memcached';


Specify a backup caching driver to use in case the one specified in cache_driver isn’t available. Same values accepted and same default as cache_driver.

Example Usage:

$config['cache_driver_backup'] = 'file';


Set whether TrueType fonts should be used for CAPTCHA images.

Value Behavior
y Enables the use of TrueType fonts (default)
n Disables use of TrueType fonts

Example Usage:

$config['captcha_font'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> CAPTCHA: Use TrueType Font for CAPTCHA


Set the path to the directory containing CAPTCHA images.

Value Description
path Server path to CAPTCHA directory

Example Usage:

$config['captcha_path'] = '/path/to/captcha/folder/';

Also found in CP: Settings --> CAPTCHA: Server Path to CAPTCHA Folder


Specify whether to add a random three-digit number to the end of each generated CAPTCHA word. This makes it more difficult for scripts to guess or brute-force the form submission.

Value Behavior
y Add random numbers to CAPTCHA words (default)
n Do not add random numbers to CAPTCHA words

Example Usage:

$config['captcha_rand'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> CAPTCHA: Add Random Number to CAPTCHA Word


Specify whether to require logged-in members to pass CAPTCHA validation to submit front-end forms, such as Channel Form, comment forms and email forms.

Value Behavior
y Require logged-in members pass CAPTCHA validation
n Do not require logged-in members to pass CAPTCHA validation (default)

Example Usage:

$config['captcha_require_members'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> CAPTCHA: Require CAPTCHA with logged-in members


Set the full URL to the directory containing CAPTCHA images.

Value Description
URL Full URL to the CAPTCHA directory

Example Usage:

$config['captcha_url'] = '';

Also found in CP: Settings --> CAPTCHA: Full URL to CAPTCHA Folder


You may optionally specify a word or phrase to be used when replacing censored words. For example, if you set “tisk tisk” as your replacement word, and “shucks” is in your censored list, then anytime “shucks” is used it will be replaced with “tisk tisk”. If you do not set this preference, a pound symbol will be used for each character that is censored, so “shucks” would be converted to “######“.

Value Description
text Text to be used as a replacement for censored words

Example Usage:

$config['censor_replacement'] = 'tisk tisk';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Word Censoring: Censoring Replacement Word


Specify a list of words to censor. Wildcards are allowed. For example, test* would censor the words “test”, “testing”, and “tester”, while *gress would censor the words “progress” and “congress”.

Value Description
word Pipe-delimited list of words to censor

Example Usage:

$config['censored_words'] = 'dagnabbit|consarnit|golly gee willikers';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Word Censoring: Censored Words


Allows Channel Form authors to overwrite their own files only when uploading files named the same as files previously uploaded by that author.

Value Behavior
y Allow Channel Form authors to overwrite their own files
n Files are appended with a number, leaving existing files alone (default)

Example Usage:

$config['channel_form_overwrite'] = 'y';


Specify which character set for the system to use by default.

Warning: Unless you have good reason and you know what you’re doing, leave this setting at its default value of UTF-8.

Value Description
charset Character set to be used

Example Usage:

$config['charset'] = 'UTF-8';


Allows to disable or enable command line interface.

Value Behavior
y CLI is enabled for all users (default)
n CLI is disabled

Example Usage:

$config['cli_enabled'] = 'n';

Important: The CLI is available to every user that has SSH or terminal access to your site’s webserver. It does not handle authorization inside ExpressionEngine and is relying on your server’s authorization method instead.


Custom markup to use wrap [code] blocks, works with code_block_post below to wrap the standard <pre><code>...</code></pre> with your custom markup.

Value Description
code_block_pre Markup to prepend to code blocks.

Example Usage:

$config['code_block_pre'] = '<div class="codeblock">';
$config['code_block_post'] = '</div>';


Custom markup to use wrap [code] blocks, works with code_block_pre above to wrap the standard <pre><code>...</code></pre> with your custom markup.

Value Description
code_block_post Markup to append to code blocks.

Example Usage:

$config['code_block_pre'] = '<div class="codeblock">';
$config['code_block_post'] = '</div>';


Set the height of any CodeMirror textareas in the control panel, such as the Template Editor.

Value Description
codemirror_height Height to use, in CSS units.

Example Usage:

$config['codemirror_height'] = '18em';


Set the font-size of any CodeMirror textareas in the control panel, such as the Template Editor. Default is 1rem.

Value Description
codemirror_fontsize Font-size to use, in CSS units.

Example Usage:

$config['codemirror_fontsize'] = '0.9rem';


Set the length of time in seconds that members have to edit their comments on the front end of the site. Set to 0 for no limit. Members in the Super Admin group are exempt from this time limit.

Value Description
integer Length of time in seconds

Example Usage:

$config['comment_edit_time_limit'] = '120';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Comment Settings: Comment Editing Time Limit


By default, comments are no longer accepted for entries after their comment expiration date has passed. Set this preference to override that behavior and allow moderated comments on entries after comment expiration.

Value Behavior
y Allow moderated comments after comment expiration
n Do not allow any comments after comment expiration (default)

Example Usage:

$config['comment_moderation_override'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Comment Settings: Moderate expired entries


Apply word censoring to comments, even if censoring is not enabled system-wide.

Value Behavior
y Enable censoring for comments
n Obey system-wide setting enable_censoring (default)

Example Usage:

$config['comment_word_censoring'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Comment Settings: Force word censoring for comments


Optionally specify a domain the cookie is available to. By default, the exact hostname of the requested page is set as the cookie domain. For example, if the page at is loaded and the cookie domain is left blank in ExpressionEngine’s configuration, the browser will use as the cookie domain. The browser will only make these cookies available when the page’s hostname is exactly

If the cookie domain is explicitly specified, however, the browser will make the cookie available whenever the requested page’s hostname contains the cookie domain. For example, setting the cookie domain to will ensure the cookie is shared whenever the requested page’s hostname includes,,,, and so on.

If you’re running multiple subdomains on a single ExpressionEngine installation and want member sessions to be valid across all subdomains, you should explicitly set the cookie domain.

Note: There’s an important difference between and When the cookie domain begins with a dot, browsers match any hostname that includes the cookie domain. Without the dot prefix, browsers are looking for an exact hostname match in the URL, which means cookies will not be available to subdomains. A cookie set by PHP with an explicitly specified cookie domain will always include the dot prefix, whether or not one is included in this ExpressionEngine setting. For clarity’s sake, the examples here include a leading dot when the cookie domain is being explicitly set.

Note: Browsers will not save cookies if the specified cookie domain isn’t included in the request’s hostname. In other words, a site can only set cookies for if its hostname actually includes

Value Behavior
.hostname Makes browser cookies available to web requests at the given domain

Example Usage:

$config['cookie_domain'] = '';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Cookie Domain


Set the HttpOnly flag when setting a cookie. The HttpOnly flag is a security feature for cookies that prevents a client side script from accessing or deleting the cookie (if the browser supports it, as most modern browsers do). Learn more.

Value Behavior
y Set HttpOnly flag (default)
n Do not set HttpOnly flag

Example Usage:

$config['cookie_httponly'] = 'n';


Optionally specify a cookie path. When a cookie path is set, the browser will only share cookies with ExpressionEngine when the beginning of the URL path matches the cookie path. For example, if the cookie path is set to /blog/, a cookie for the domain will only be sent by the browser if the URL begins with This can be useful if you have ExpressionEngine installed in a sub-directory and want to ensure that only that particular installation has access to the cookies it sets.

Value Behavior
path Restricts cookie sharing to pages with matching URL paths

Example Usage:

$config['cookie_path'] = '/blog/';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Cookie Path


Specify a prefix for the cookie name set by ExpressionEngine. This protects against collisions from separate ExpressionEngine installations on the same cookie domain.

Value Description
text A word used as the prefix to the cookie name

Example Usage:

$config['cookie_prefix'] = 'site1';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Cookie Prefix


Require a secure connection (HTTPS) for ExpressionEngine to set cookies.

Value Behavior
y Require a secure connection to set cookies
n Do not require a secure connection to set cookies (default)

Example Usage:

$config['cookie_secure'] = 'y';


Declare if your cookie should be restricted to a first-party or same-site context. To find out more about SameSite cookies visit

Value Behavior
None Allow cookies to be sent on all requests (cookie_secure will be set to true)
Lax Allows cookies to be sent on some cross-site requests (default)
Strict Does not allow cookies to be sent on some cross-site requests

Example Usage:

$config['cookie_samesite'] = 'Strict';


Set TTL for admin sessions.

Value Description
integer Session TTL in seconds (default is 3600 - 1 hour)

Note: An idle state may still trigger the Idle Check Modal regardless of the session length.


Set the method for session handling in the Control Panel.

Note: The Auto log-in on future visits? option appears on the CP login screen when the cookies only method is used, allowing users to remain logged-in to the CP for up to 2 weeks since their last visit.

Value Behavior
c Use cookies only
s Use session ID only
cs Use both cookies and session ID (default)

Example Usage:

$config['cp_session_type'] = 's';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Control Panel Session Type


Set the full URL to your Control Panel.

Value Description
URL The full URL to your Control Panel

Example Usage:

$config['cp_url'] = '';

Also available for use in the site index file, index.php, and the CP index file, admin.php. Example Usage:

$assign_to_config['cp_url'] = '';

Also found in CP: Settings --> URL and Path Settings: URL to your Control Panel index page


Set the default format for displaying dates. If allow_member_localization is enabled and a member has their own localization preference set, that will override this setting.

Value Description
code Format string using date formatting codes date formatting codes

Example Usage:

$config['date_format'] = '%F %d %Y';


When using the Database Backup Utility, some databases and PHP configurations may cause the backup utility to run out of memory while creating the backup. This config sets the maximum number of rows that will be queried and written to the backup file at a time. If you run into an out-of-memory error, try setting this to a lower number than the default to have the utility work in smaller batches.

Value Description
integer Number of rows, default is 4000

Example Usage:

$config['db_backup_row_limit'] = 2000;


Set display preferences for PHP and database error messages.

Note: Error messages are helpful for troubleshooting and catching errors during development, but since they can contain confusing language or reveal sensitive system information like file paths, we strongly recommend only showing them to Super Admin-level users once the site is in production.

Value Behavior
0 Hide PHP/SQL error messages
1 Show PHP/SQL error messages to only Super Admin users
2 Show PHP/SQL error messages all users NOT SECURE

Example Usage:

$config['debug'] = '1';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Debugging & Output: Debug Preference


Set the default template language to be used when creating new templates or using generators.

Note: This configuration option is only applicable when Coilpack Installed

Value Description
null Native
twig Twig
blade Blade


Set the primary member role to which new users will be assigned.

Value Description
integer Member role ID

Example Usage:

$config['default_member_group'] = '6';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Members: Default Member Role Assigned to New Members


Set the default timezone. All dates and times displayed by ExpressionEngine will be localized to this timezone unless overridden by a member’s own localization preferences.

Value Behavior
timezone A valid timezone supported by PHP

Example Usage:

$config['default_site_timezone'] = 'America/Los_Angeles';

Also found in CP: Settings --> General Settings: Site Timezone


Set the default language. ExpressionEngine ships with English, and additional language packs are available for download.

Value Description
language Name of language directory found in system/user/language/

Example Usage:

$config['deft_lang'] = 'french';


Set whether to reject duplicate data submissions. This feature blocks a comment if an identical one already exists on the site.

Value Behavior
y Enable protection against duplicate data submissions (default)
n Disable protection against duplicate data submissions

Example Usage:

$config['deny_duplicate_data'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Deny Duplicate Data


This is an emergency override which will disable all tracking when enabled. This is useful for server administrators who need a way to respond immediately to a traffic spike to help keep the site running smoothly.

Note: Hit tracking features are disabled by default, so if you have not intentionally enabled them, you can ignore this setting. It is only useful if you have enabled Hit Tracking and can’t access your control panel to disable them. In that rare instance, you can add this to your config.php file as an emergency override.

Value Behavior
y Disables all tracking (User, Template, Channel, Referrer)

Example Usage:

$config['disable_all_tracking'] = 'y';


CSRF protection prevents automated scripts (the most common way spam is generated) from repeatedly submitting comments or other form data. A submission is only allowed when a user manually loads a page and submits the form from your site.

Value Behavior
y Disable CSRF protection
n Enable CSRF protection (default)

Example Usage:

$config['disable_csrf_protection'] = 'y';


Disables parsing of Emoji “shorthand”, e.g. parsing :rocket: as 🚀.

Value Behavior
y Disable Emoji shorthand parsing
n Enable Emoji shorthand parsing (default)

Example Usage:

$config['disable_emoji_shorthand'] = 'y';


Warning: Use only under extreme circumstances.

Disables tag caching, which if used unwisely on a high traffic site can lead to disastrous disk i/o. This setting allows quick thinking admins to temporarily disable it without hacking or modifying folder permissions.

Value Behavior
y Disable tag caching
n Enable tag caching (default)

Example Usage:

$config['disable_tag_caching'] = 'y';


Set a value for the maximum number of online visitors to track. Once this value is exceeded, all of the tracking features will be temporarily disabled until the number of online visitors drops below the indicated value. Recommended values for this feature will vary based on your hosting environment. Check with your server administrator to discuss reasonable limits for your site.

Note: Online User Tracking must be enabled for this feature to work.

Value Behavior
integer Maximum number of online visitors to track

Example Usage:

$config['dynamic_tracking_disabling'] = '350';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Tracking: Suspend ALL tracking when number of online visitors exceeds:


Set the number of emails to be sent in each batch. The batch size you should use depend on many things; among them the email protocol you have chosen, the server configuration, and the server power, so you may need to experiment a little to get it right.

Note: Batch mode must be enabled.

If you are using one of the more robust mail protocols, like Sendmail or SMTP, you can set a greater batch total, possibly as high as several hundred or even more if you are on a dedicated server. A batch size of 300 in these cases is a good starting point. If you are having good success you can increase it until you begin experiencing time-outs.

Note: Unless your mailing list numbers in the thousands, you won’t notice much of a speed gain from setting large batches. If you are using the less efficient “PHP mail” protocol then you will usually need to set a lower batch size; 50-100 is typical.

Value Description
integer The number of emails per batch

Example Usage:

$config['email_batch_size'] = '300';


Set whether to send email via the Communicate section of the Control Panel in batches.

This mode splits up large numbers of emails into small batches which are sent at short intervals. This gives you the ability to send email to very large mailing lists without running up against your server’s execution time limit. By default, PHP limits any process to 30 seconds, which is not enough time to send a large amount of email. Enabling the batch mode can prevent server time-outs. A secondary benefit is that it is less taxing on your mail server and, in the case of people on shared hosting accounts, less likely to cause problems with your server administrator.

Value Behavior
y Enable batch mode
n Disable batch mode (default)

Example Usage:

$config['email_batchmode'] = 'y';


Set the character encoding used on the content of outgoing messages.

Value Description
encoding Encoding to use for content of outgoing emails

Example Usage:

$config['email_charset'] = 'utf-8';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Outgoing Email: Email Character Encoding


Set the number of minutes that must lapse before a member is allowed to send another email.

Note: This only applies to the Email Console in the member profile pages.

Value Description
integer Number of minutes that must lapse before a member is allowed to send another email

Example Usage:

$config['email_console_timelock'] = '300';


If set, this overrides the core Email class setting for crlf characters in quoted-printable encoded emails (Email class $crlf property).

Value Behavior
text Overrides the core Email class setting for crlf characters in quoted-printable encoded emails

Example Usage:

$config['email_crlf'] = "\r\n";

Note: Double quotes must be used around this value, as per example.


If set, overrides the core Email class setting for newline characters (Email class $newline property).

Value Behavior
text Overrides the core Email class setting for crlf characters in quoted-printable encoded emails

Example Usage:

$config['email_newline'] = "\r\n";

Note: Double quotes must be used around this value, as per example.


Cryptographic protocol for SMTP, when a secure connection is required.

Value Behavior
ssl Set the SMTP protocol to SSL (ssl://)
———- ——–
tls Set the SMTP protocol to Opportunistic TLS (STARTTLS)

Example Usage:

$config['email_smtp_crypto'] = 'tls';


Set the URL to the base folder where smiley graphics are stored.

Value Description
URL URL to the location of smiley graphics

Example Usage:

$config['emoticon_url'] = '';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Content & Design: URL to the folder containing your smileys


If enabled, the system will censor any specified words in channel entries, comments, forum posts, etc. Censored words will be replaced with the censoring replacement word.

Value Behavior
y Enable word censoring
n Disable word censoring (default)

Example Usage:

$config['enable_censoring'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Word Censorship: Enable Word Censoring


When set to n, disables “Clone to New Entry” option and entry cloning globally.

Value Behavior
y Enable entry cloning (default)
n Disable entry cloning

Example Usage:

$config['enable_entry_cloning'] = 'y';


Allows turning off front-end editing and Prolets completely. When set to n, Dock will not be shown and front-end field editing will not be enabled.

Value Behavior
y Enables Dock and all its features (default)
n Turn off Dock, front-end editing and Prolets

Example Usage:

$config['enable_dock'] = 'n';


If enabled, smileys entered as text will be replaced by emoji.

Value Behavior
y Enable emoticons (default)
n Disable emoticons

Example Usage:

$config['enable_emoticons'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Content & Design: Enable emoticons?


If enabled, the Entry “Views” Tracking Tag feature of the Channel module is available for use.

Value Behavior
y Enable tracking views
n Disable tracking views (default)

Example Usage:

$config['enable_entry_view_tracking'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Hit Tracking: Enable Channel Entry View Tracking


When set to n, completely disables front-end editing while keeping Dock visible and Prolets functional.

Value Behavior
y Enables front-end editing (default)
n Disable front-end editing

Example Usage:

$config['enable_frontedit'] = 'n';


When set to n, disables automatic creation of content management links on front-end. The links can still be added manually.

Value Behavior
y Enable automatic front-end editing links (default)
n Disable automatic front-end editing links

Example Usage:

$config['enable_frontedit_links'] = 'y';


If enabled, the hit will be tracked each time a template is loaded.

Value Behavior
y Enable template hit tracking (default)
n Disable template hit tracking

Example Usage:

$config['enable_hit_tracking'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Tracking: Enable Template Hit Tracking


If enabled, the Multi-factor authentication (MFA) options will become available for member roles.

Value Behavior
y Enable Multi-factor authentication
n Disable Multi-factor authentication (default)

Example Usage:

$config['enable_mfa'] = 'y';


If enabled, online user statistics are tracked and the user-based variables in the Statistics module are available for use.

Value Behavior
y Enable online user tracking
n Disable online user tracking (default)

Example Usage:

$config['enable_online_user_tracking'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Tracking: Enable Online User Tracking


When enabled, ExpressionEngine will set exp_tracker cookie on each page visit, allowing navigation through browsing history. Disabling it might influence redirect behavior of some forms on front-end.

Value Behavior
y Enable exp_tracker cookie (default)
n Disable exp_tracker cookie

Example Usage:

$config['enable_tracking_cookie'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Tracking: Enable tracker cookie?


If enabled, each searched term will be logged and can be viewed in the Search Log.

Value Behavior
y Enable search term log (default)
n Disable search term log

Example Usage:

$config['enable_search_log'] = 'n';


Improves the speed at which the Channel Entries tag is rendered by caching queries that are normally executed dynamically.

Value Behavior
y Enable query caching
n Disable query caching (default)

Example Usage:

$config['enable_sql_caching'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Content & Design: Cache Dynamic Channel Queries


This setting toggles whether or not Template Routes are used. If this is set to no, templates will not be accessible by their routes. When disabled the Template Route options will not appear in the Template Manager.

Value Behavior
y Enable Template Routes (default)
n Disable Template Routes

Example Usage:

$config['enable_template_routes'] = 'y';


If enabled, the system will throttle excessive web requests from potentially malicious users.

Value Behavior
y Enable throttling
n Disable throttling (default)

Example Usage:

$config['enable_throttling'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Access Throttling: Enable Throttling


If set and $this->encode_email is set to FALSE in the Template class—which is not the default—this text will replace all instances of the encode global variable.

Value Description
text Replacement text

Example Usage:

$config['encode_removed_text'] = 'Encoded emails not allowed';


May be used by third parties as part of encoding and decoding encrypted data. The recommended length of the key is 32 characters (128 bits). The key should include numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters.

Value Description
string Key value

Example Usage:

$config['encryption_key'] = 'sy22k6QK6JzH38u4nLZ65bHOdK6VL89d';


Set the system to end a user’s session when the browser is closed. (In the case of Mac OS X, this means quitting the browser application.)

Value Behavior
y Expire user session when the browser closes
n Do not expire user session when the browser closes (default)

Example Usage:

$config['expire_session_on_browser_close'] = 'y';


URL to file used as favicon in Control Panel.

Example Usage:

$config['favicon'] = '/url/to/icon.png';


Forces filenames of uploaded files to be unique. Secondary uploads of existing files or uploads that share a filename with an existing file will have an incrementing number appended to the filename.

Value Behavior
y Force upload filenames to be unique
n Allow duplicate filenames (default)

Example Usage:

$config['filename_increment'] = 'y';


If enabled, ExpressionEngine will render URLs with a question mark following index.php in order to pass along segment information as a standard query string:

This is necessary for only a few types of web servers to process ExpressionEngine’s URLs correctly. ExpressionEngine’s default is a much more search-engine friendly format:

In rare circumstances, you may need to use this variable in conjunction with editing the $qtype variable in your main site index.php file.

Value Behavior
y Forces query strings
n Do not force query strings (default)

Example Usage:

$config['force_query_string'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Debugging & Output: Force URL query strings


If redirect_submitted_links is set to y, this setting can be used to show an interstitial message to the user to confirm they want to visit the link they clicked. This can prevent issues where a link looks like it leads to one place, but actually leads to another.

Value Behavior
y Show interstitial redirect confirmation screen when a submitted link is clicked
n Do not force the interstitial screen

Example Usage:

$config['force_redirect'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Force redirect confirmation on submitted links?


Automatically enabled when the Discussion Forum module is installed.

Value Description
y Forum is installed (default)
n Forum is not installed

Example Usage:

$config['forum_is_installed'] = 'y';


Sets the forum triggering word if the Discussion Forum module is installed.

Value Description
text Forum triggering word

Example Usage:

$config['forum_trigger'] = 'eerox';

Also found in CP: Developer --> Add-Ons --> Discussion Forum Settings --> Edit: Forum Triggering Word


Gmail email addresses can optionally include any number of .‘s and they’re equivalent to the same address without .‘s. For example [email protected] is the same as [email protected]. By default, ExpressionEngine prevents duplicate registration from the same address, but you can disable the prevention.

Value Behavior
y Prevent duplicate Gmail addresses from signing up (default)
n Do not prevent duplicate Gmail addresses

Example Usage:

$config['gmail_duplication_prevention'] = 'n';


Set the system to serve compressed front-end pages for faster load times as long as the requesting browser supports gzip compression, PHP’s zlib extension is loaded, and the web server is not already serving compressed pages. It’s a good idea to enable this setting in most production environments.

Note: This setting only controls whether ExpressionEngine itself serves up compressed front-end pages. If the web server is configured to serve compressed pages, this setting will have no effect.

Value Behavior
y Compress front-end pages if possible
n Do not compress front-end pages (default)

Example Usage:

$config['gzip_output'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Debugging & Output: Enable GZIP Output


Specify the character(s) that denote a hidden template when used to prefix a template name. The default is an underscore, e.g. _my_hidden_template.

Value Description
text Hidden template indicator characters

Example Usage:

$config['hidden_template_indicator'] = '.';


Set the system to show either a 404 page or the template group’s index page when a hidden template is directly loaded in a browser.

Example Usage:

$config['hidden_template_404'] = 'y';


Set the server path used by the Block/Allow module to write rules to your .htaccess file.

Value Description
path Server path to .htaccess file.

Example Usage:

$config['htaccess_path'] = '/server/path/to/your/.htaccess';


Disable entry stats and analytics being saved during creating/updating of entries when using models. Disabling entry stats can lead to improved performance when using models

Value Behavior
y Ignores entry stats
n Saves stats when creating/updating entries (default)

Example Usage:

$config['ignore_entry_stats'] = 'y';


Disable member role count being saved during creating/updating of members when using models. Disabling member stats can lead to improved performance when using models

Value Behavior
y Ignores member stats
n Saves stats when creating/updating members (default)

Example Usage:

$config['ignore_member_stats'] = 'y';


Set the path to the selected image library.

Note: If you choose ImageMagick or NetPBM as the image_resize_protocol, you must specify the server path to that image library.

Value Description
path Path to image library

Example Usage:

$config['image_library_path'] = '/usr/bin/';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Content & Design: Image Converter Path


Specify the image manipulation library to use. You may need to contact your web host or sysadmin to determine which protocols are installed and available on your server.

Note: If you choose ImageMagick or NetPBM, you must set image_library_path in the configuration as well.

Value Description
gd GD library
gd2 GD2 library
imagemagick ImageMagick library
netpbm NetPBM library

Example Usage:

$config['image_resize_protocol'] = 'netpbm';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Content & Design: Image Resizing Protocol


Set the system to include seconds when time is displayed in the interface.

Value Behavior
y Include seconds
n Do not include seconds (default)

Example Usage:

$config['include_seconds'] = 'y';


Enable checks against the IP to Nation database.

Value Behavior
y Enable IP to Nation checks (default)
n Disable IP to Nation checks

Example Usage:

$config['ip2nation'] = 'n';


Specify whether the site should be viewable by the general public or taken offline. This can be helpful when performing maintenance on only one of several MSM sites.

Note: This setting will have no effect unless Multiple Site Manager is installed and multiple sites are enabled.

Note: When used in the main configuration file, config.php, this setting has the same effect as is_system_on since it will apply to all sites in the system.

Value Behavior
y Makes site available to everyone
n Makes site only available to Super Admins

Example Usage:

$config['is_site_on'] = 'n';

Also available for use in the site index file, index.php. Example Usage:

$assign_to_config['is_site_on'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> General Settings: Is site on?


Specify whether the system’s front-end should be viewable by the general public or taken offline. This can be helpful when performing maintenance.

Value Behavior
y Makes system available to everyone
n Makes system only available to Super Admins

Example Usage:

$config['is_system_on'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> General Settings: Is system on?


Enables legacy member templates

Value Behavior
y Legacy member templates enabled
n Legacy member templates disabled (default)

Example Usage:

$config['legacy_member_templates'] = 'y';


Set the length of time a throttled visitor will be locked out of the site.

Value Description
integer Length of lockout time in seconds

Example Usage:

$config['lockout_time'] = '30';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Access Throttling: Lockout Time


Set the timestamp format for all items added to the log file.

Value Description
string PHP date format

Example Usage:

$config['log_date_format'] = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';


Enable logging of all messages sent via the email console in the member profile pages.

Value Behavior
y Enable logging (default)
n Disable logging

Example Usage:

$config['log_email_console_msgs'] = 'n';


Enable referrer tracking. When enabled, one additional database access query will be performed for each page load so that the statistics can be generated.

Value Behavior
y Enable referrer tracking (default)
n Disable referrers tracking

Example Usage:

$config['log_referrers'] = 'n';


Unused in first party files, this configuration item exists to allow backwards compatibility for any third party add-ons using it.


Note: In order to save anything to log files, you’ll need to create the /system/user/logs/ directory and ensure it’s writable.

Set an error threshold to determine how much information is logged.

Value Behavior
0 Disables logging
1 Errors (including PHP errors)
2 Errors & debug messages
3 Errors, debug messages, & informational messages
4 All messages

Example Usage:

$config['log_threshold'] = '1';


URL to file used as branded logo on login page.

Example Usage:

$config['login_logo'] = '/url/to/file.jpg';


Set the default mail format selection for emails sent via the Communicate section.

Value Description
plain Plain Text
html HTML

Example Usage:

$config['mail_format'] = 'plain';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Outgoing Email: Default Mail Format


Set the system’s method for sending email.

Value Behavior
mail PHP Mail
smtp SMTP
sendmail Sendmail

Example Usage:

$config['mail_protocol'] = 'smtp';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Outgoing Email: Email Protocol


Set the maximum number of most recent search terms to save in the search log.

Value Description
integer Maximum number of search terms to save

Example Usage:

$config['max_logged_searches'] = '500';


Set the maximum number of times a visitor is allowed to load your web pages within a given time interval before being locked out. If you set this preference to 5 page loads within 10 seconds, a user can not browse more than 5 pages within a 10 second interval or the throttling feature will be triggered, locking them out for the given lockout time.

Value Description
integer Maximum number of page loads

Example Usage:

$config['max_page_loads'] = '10';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Access Throttling: Maximum Number of Page Loads


Set the maximum number of template revisions to save if template revisions are enabled.

Value Description
integer Maximum number of template revisions to save

Example Usage:

$config['max_tmpl_revisions'] = '10';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Template Settings: Maximum Number of Revisions to Keep


Set the maximum number of URL segments allows in requests made to your site.

Value Description
integer Maximum number of URL segments to allow (default is 12)

Example Usage:

$config['max_url_segments'] = '12';


List of email addresses to notify if notification is enabled for new member registrations.

Value Description
string Comma-delimited list of email addresses

Example Usage:

$config['mbr_notification_emails'] = '[email protected], [email protected]';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Members: Email address for notifications


If Memcached is the specified cache_driver, allows configuration of multiple Memcached servers to be used for cache storage.

Example Usage:

$config['memcached'] = array(
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 11211,
    'weight' => 2,
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 11211,
    'weight' => 1,


Set the default member profile theme.

Value Description
theme Name of theme directory found in themes/member

Example Usage:

$config['member_theme'] = 'default';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Members: Default Member Profile Theme


Set the default sorting criteria for the member list.

Value Behavior
total_posts Sorts by Total Posts
screen_name Sorts by Screen Name
total_comments Sorts by Total Comments
total_entries Sorts by Total Entries
join_date Sorts by Join Date

Example Usage:

$config['memberlist_order_by'] = 'total_posts';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Members: Member List - Sort By


With an array, add Mime Types to the whitelist.

Example Usage:

$config['mime_whitelist_additions'] = array(


Specify member IDs to exclude from Mime Type whitelist restrictions.

Value Description
text Comma-delimited list of member IDs

Example Usage:

$config['mime_whitelist_member_exception'] = '3, 14, 83';


Specify member role IDs to exclude from Mime Type whitelist restrictions.

Value Description
text Comma-delimited list of member role IDs

Example Usage:

$config['mime_whitelist_member_group_exception'] = '2, 5';


Remove Moblog’s textarea-only restriction for Channel Fields.

Value Behavior
y Remove textarea-only restriction
n Allow only textarea fieldtypes (default)

Example Usage:

$config['moblog_allow_nontextareas'] = 'y';


Set the default number of rows for the member list to display.

Value Description
integer Default number of rows

Example Usage:

$config['memberlist_row_limit'] = '20';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Members: Member List - Rows


Set the default member list sort order.

Value Behavior
asc Sorts in ascending order
desc Sorts in descending order (default)

Example Usage:

$config['memberlist_sort_order'] = 'desc';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Members: Member List - Order


Sets the frontend login to apply to multiple sites.

Value Description
URLs URLs to frontend sites

Example Usage:

$config['multi_login_sites'] = '|';

For more information, see MSM multi site login


Enable Multiple Site Manager.

Value Behavior
y Enable MSM
n Disable MSM

Example Usage:

$config['multiple_sites_enabled'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> General Settings:


Filename for the dictionary file. The official dictionary file is available for download. Must be used in combination with allow_dictionary_pw.

Value Description
filename Dictionary file found at system/user/config/

Example Usage:

$config['name_of_dictionary_file'] = 'dictionary.txt';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Name of Dictionary File


Enables notification of a given notification list for new member registrations.

Value Behavior
y Enable notification
n Disable notification (default)

Example Usage:

$config['new_member_notification'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Members: Send new member notifications


Set caches to clear when new entries are posted.

Note: If disabled, new entries will not appear until the cache expires.

Value Behavior
y New posts clear cache (default)
n New posts do not clear cache

Example Usage:

$config['new_posts_clear_caches'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Content & Design: Clear all caches when new entries are posted


Set ExpressionEngine to periodically check for available updates.

Value Behavior
y Enable version check (default)
n Disable version check

Example Usage:

$config['new_version_check'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> General Settings: New Version Auto Check


Sets the application name that is reported in the New Relic dashboard. If you’re using New Relic to monitor the performance of multiple ExpressionEngine installations, you’ll likely want those installations to show up separately in your New Relic dashboard.

Value Description
string Application name

Example Usage:

$config['newrelic_app_name'] = 'My Site';

Also available for use in the site index file, index.php, and the CP index file, admin.php. Example Usage:

$assign_to_config['newrelic_app_name'] = 'My Second Site';


Whether or not to append the version number to the Application name in the New Relic dashboard.

Value Behavior
y Append version number
n Do not append version number (default)

Example Usage:

$config['newrelic_include_version_number'] = 'y';


In case you select a table which stores files, the returned value will look like {file:XX:url} or have {filedir_ in front of the file names (when File Manager is in Compatibility mode). In case you select a table which stores site settings, the returned value may have {base_ variables. To parse both cases by default, enable the following config:

Value Behavior
y Parse variables by default
n Do not parse variables by default (default)


If enabled, the system will lock a member account if more than four invalid login attempts are made within a specified time period. This is designed to deter hackers from using collision attacks to guess poorly chosen passwords. The account remains locked for the duration of the password lockout time period.

Value Behavior
y Enable password lockouts (default)
n Disable password lockouts

Example Usage:

$config['password_lockout'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Enable Password Lockout


Set the time period for measuring invalid login attempts and locking accounts.

Value Behavior
number Lockout interval, in minutes. (Decimals allowed.)

Example Usage:

$config['password_lockout_interval'] = '2.5';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Time Interval for Lockout


Specify whether links created by the Typography class open in a new window.

Value Behavior
y Links automatically open in new window
n Links do not automatically open in new window (default)

Example Usage:

$config['popup_link'] = 'y';


Set the triggering word for the front-end members section. The default is “member”, and the word you set cannot be the name of an existing template group.

Value Description
text Profile triggering word

Example Usage:

$config['profile_trigger'] = 'accounts';

Also found in CP: Settings --> URL and Path Settings: Profile Triggering Word


Allow list of reverse proxy servers that may forward the visitor’s IP address. DEPRECATED. Use proxy.php config file instead.

Value Description
IP addresses Comma-delimited list of IP addresses

Example Usage:

$config['proxy_ips'] = ',';


Set the length of time users must wait between sending private messages.

Note: Restriction does not apply to members in the Super Admin group.

Value Description
integer Throttling period in seconds (default is 30)

Example Usage:

$config['prv_msg_throttling_period'] = '60';


Set the server path to the private messages uploads directory.

Value Description
path Full server path to writable private message uploads directory

Example Usage:

$config['prv_msg_upload_path'] = '/path/images/pm_attachments/';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Messages: Server Path for Attachment Upload Directory


Set the length of time members must wait after registration before being allowed to send private messages.

Note: Restriction does not apply to members in the Super Admin group.

Value Description
integer Wait time in hours (default is 1)

Example Usage:

$config['prv_msg_waiting_period'] = '4';


Specify whether the title field should gain focus when the publish page is loaded.

Value Behavior
y Title field gains focus when the publish page is loaded (default)
n Title field does not gain focus when the publish page is loaded

Example Usage:

$config['publish_page_title_focus'] = 'n';


Set the minimum number of characters allowed for member passwords.

Value Description
integer Minimum character length

Example Usage:

$config['pw_min_len'] = '8';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Minimum Password Length


Set the batch size for recounting statistics.

Because the recounting of statistics can impose some load on your server, the recounting is performed in batches. This setting allows you to define how large each processing batch should be. For most servers, a value of 1000 works well. For high-performance or dedicated servers you can increase this number and if your server is low on resources you may need to lower the number.

Value Description
integer Batch size

Example Usage:

$config['recount_batch_total'] = '200';


Set the method the system uses for page redirection.

Value Behavior
redirect Use header(‘Location:‘); (default)
refresh Use header(‘Refresh: 0;url=‘); (Windows servers) (slower)

Example Usage:

$config['redirect_method'] = 'redirect';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Debugging & Output: Redirection Method


Apply rank denial to user-submitted links. This feature rewrites links submitted in comments so they first point to an intermediate redirect page, helping deter comment spammers by preventing linked sites from gaining a search engine page rank advantage.

Value Behavior
y Enable rank denial
n Disable rank denial (default)

Example Usage:

$config['redirect_submitted_links'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Enable Rank Denial to submitted links?


If Redis is the specified cache_driver, allows configuration of a Redis server to be used for cache storage.

Example Usage:

$config['redis'] = array(
  'host' => '',
  'password' => NULL,
  'port' => 6379,
  'timeout' => 0


Allow Entry Views Tracking to work for ANY combination that results in only one entry being returned by the tag, including Channel query caching.

Value Behavior
y Enable relaxed Entry Views Tracking
n Disable relaxed Entry Views Tracking (default)

Example Usage:

$config['relaxed_track_views'] = 'y';


Remove the button to close all HTML tags from the publish page and user-side HTML formatting buttons. Most browsers no longer need it.

Value Behavior
y Remove the close all button
n Display the close all button (default)

Example Usage:

$config['remove_close_all_button'] = 'y';


Remove unparsed ExpressionEngine variables upon output when the debug has been set to 0.

Value Behavior
y Remove unparsed ExpressionEngine variables
n Leave unparsed ExpressionEngine variables untouched (default)

Example Usage:

$config['remove_unparsed_vars'] = 'y';


Specify whether new member activation is automatic, requires email verification, or requires an administrator’s approval.

Value Behavior
none Automatically activate new member accounts
email Require email verification for new member accounts
manual Require administrator’s approval

Example Usage:

$config['req_mbr_activation'] = 'none';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Members: Require Member Account Activation


When enabled, site visitors will be required to pass a CAPTCHA to submit any front-end form, including Channel Form, comment forms, and member registrations.

Value Behavior
y Enable CAPTCHAS front-end forms
n Disable CAPTCHAS on front-end forms (default)

Also found in CP: Settings --> CAPTCHA: Require CAPTCHA


Require users have a valid IP address and browser user agent when logging in. This helps prevent hackers from logging in using direct socket connections or trying to access the system with a masked IP address.

Value Behavior
y Require IP address and user agent for login (default)
n Do not require IP address and user agent for login

Example Usage:

$config['require_ip_for_login'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Require IP Address and User Agent for Login


Require users have a valid IP address and browser user agent when posting comments or Channel Form entries.

Value Behavior
y Require IP address and user agent for posting (default)
n Do not require IP address and user agent for posting

Example Usage:

$config['require_ip_for_posting'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Require IP Address and User Agent for posting


Require users’ passwords to adhere to certain password security policy as implemented by ExpressionEngine. Description of each policy can be found in Password Security Policy

Value Behavior
n none No security password checks are made for general users.
y basic Password should contain at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, and one numeric character. Passwords that follow this basic formula are much more difficult to guess. (default)
g Good Password should get security rank of 40 or more
s Strong Password should get security rank of 60 or more.

Example Usage:

$config['require_secure_passwords'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Require Secure Passwords


Require new members to agree to your terms of service upon registration.

Value Behavior
y Require TOS (default)
n Do not require TOS

Example Usage:

$config['require_terms_of_service'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Members: Require Terms of Service


If use_category_name is enabled, specify a word to use in category URLs to indicate to the system that the following segment is the category URL title. For example, if the indicator is set to “category” and the category URL title is “blogging”:

The word you set cannot be the name of an existing template group or template.

Value Description
text Category URL indicator

Example Usage:

$config['reserved_category_word'] = 'category';

Also found in CP: Settings --> URL and Path Settings: Category URL Indicator


Enable the saving of templates as files.

Value Behavior
y Templates are saved as files (default)
n Templates are not saved as files

Example Usage:

$config['save_tmpl_files'] = 'y';


Enable the saving of template global variables as files.

Value Behavior
y Template globals are saved as files (default)
n Template globals are not saved as files

Example Usage:

$config['save_tmpl_globals'] = 'y';


Enable template revisions. Template history is saved when changes are made within the template editor.

Value Behavior
y Templates revisions are saved
n Templates revisions are not saved (default)

Example Usage:

$config['save_tmpl_revisions'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Template Settings: Save Template Revisions


Specify the unique ID that is supplied by PayPal after providing them with a public certificate.

Value Description
string Certificate ID

Example Usage:

$config['sc_certificate_id'] = 'SX4DT7FDO1234';

Also found in CP: Developer --> Add-Ons --> Simple Commerce Settings: ID Given to Public Certificate by PayPal


Enable encryption for PayPal purchase links and buttons created by Simple Commerce.

Important: Enabling this requires that your server have OpenSSL support compiled in PHP. Ask your server administrator for this information.

Note: Enabling this requires that you use a public certificate and private key. Please read the section on Encrypted Website Payments for full details. To be the most effective, you should set your PayPal account settings to only accept encrypted payments.

Value Behavior
y Enable encryption
n Disable encryption (default)

Example Usage:

$config['sc_encrypt_buttons'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Developer --> Add-Ons --> Simple Commerce Settings: Encrypt PayPal Buttons and Links?


Specify the primary email address associated with the PayPal account processing payments for store purchases.

Value Description
string Primary PayPal email address

Example Usage:

$config['sc_paypal_account'] = '[email protected]';

Also found in CP: Developer --> Add-Ons --> Simple Commerce Settings: PayPal Account


Specify the path to the PayPal-provided certificate file. Please read the section on simple_commerce_encrypted_payments for full details.

Note: ExpressionEngine must have read access to this directory, but for security we highly recommended you use a location above web root so that the certificate and key files are not accessible via the web.

Value Description
path Full server path to PayPal certificate file

Example Usage:

$config['sc_paypal_certificate'] = "/path/to/paypal_certificate.pem";

Also found in CP: Developer --> Add-Ons --> Simple Commerce Settings: PayPal Certificate Path


Specify the path to the private key file. Please read the section on simple_commerce_encrypted_payments for full details.

Note: ExpressionEngine must have read access to this directory, but for security we highly recommended you use a location above web root so that the certificate and key files are not accessible via the web.

Value Description
path Full server path to private key file

Example Usage:

$config['sc_private_key'] = "/path/to/private_key.pem";

Also found in CP: Developer --> Add-Ons --> Simple Commerce Settings: Private Key Path


Specify the path to the public certificate file. Please read the section on simple_commerce_encrypted_payments for full details.

Note: ExpressionEngine must have read access to this directory, but for security we highly recommended you use a location above web root so that the certificate and key files are not accessible via the web.

Value Description
path Full server path to public certificate file

Example Usage:

$config['sc_public_certificate'] = "/path/to/public_certificate.pem";

Also found in CP: Developer --> Add-Ons --> Simple Commerce Settings: Public Certificate Path


Specify the path to the temporarily stored encrypted files. Please read the section on simple_commerce_encrypted_payments for full details.

Note: ExpressionEngine must have read access to this directory, but for security we highly recommended you use a location above web root so that the certificate and key files are not accessible via the web.

Value Description
path Full server path to temporarily stored encrypted files

Example Usage:

$config['sc_temp_path'] = "/path/to/tmp";

Also found in CP: Developer --> Add-Ons --> Simple Commerce Settings: Temporary Encrypted Files Path


Specify whether the system should automatically send HTTP page headers when it serves pages to a visitor.

Value Behavior
y System sends HTTP headers (default)
n System does not send HTTP headers

Example Usage:

$config['send_headers'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Debugging & Output: Generate HTTP Page Headers


When a server’s clock is off and you are unable to correct it at the server level, use this preference to correct the disparity. Use a positive integer to correct a server clock that is too slow, and a negative integer to correct a server clock that is too fast.

Warning: This preference permanently changes the value of timestamps as they are being written to the database. Changing this setting later on will not undo the offset already applied to existing timestamps. Rather than using this setting, we strongly urge you to work with your web host or sysadmin to correct the inaccurate server clock. In almost all cases, that’s the best solution.

Value Behavior
integer Offsets the value of stored timestamps from given server time in minutes

Example Usage:

$config['server_offset'] = '-15';


Enable Output Profiler. When enabled, Super Admins will see benchmark results, SQL queries, and submitted form data displayed at the bottom of the browser window. Template debugging is included on the front end.

Value Behavior
y Enable output profiler
n Disable output profiler (default)

Example Usage:

$config['show_profiler'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Debugging & Output: Display Output Profiler


Specify whether members can link to images hosted on other websites as their signature image for Discussion Forum.

Value Behavior
y Allow linking to external sites’ images
n Do not allow linking to external sites’ images (default)

Example Usage:

$config['sig_allow_img_hotlink'] = 'n';


Set whether members can upload their own signature image for Discussion Forum.

Value Behavior
y Allow members to upload their own signature image
n Do not allow members to upload their own signature image (default)

Example Usage:

$config['sig_allow_img_upload'] = 'y';


Set the maximum height (in pixels) allowed for user-uploaded signature images in Discussion Forum.

Value Description
integer Max height (in pixels)

Example Usage:

$config['sig_img_max_height'] = '150';


Set the maximum file size (in kilobytes) allowed for user-uploaded signature images in Discussion Forum.

Value Description
integer Max file size (in kilobytes)

Example Usage:

$config['sig_img_max_kb'] = '50';


Set the maximum width (in pixels) allowed for user-uploaded signature images in Discussion Forum.

Value Description
integer Max width (in pixels)

Example Usage:

$config['sig_img_max_width'] = '150';


Set the server path to the signature images directory. The default path is {base_path}/images/signature_attachments/ when no override is set.

Value Description
path Full server path to writable signature images directory

Example Usage:

$config['sig_img_path'] = '/path/image/folder/';


Set the URL to the signature images directory. The default path is {base_url}/images/signature_attachments/ when no override is set.

Value Description
URL URL to signature images directory

Example Usage:

$config['sig_img_url'] = '';


Set the maximum number of characters allowed in a member’s signature for Discussion Forum.

Value Description
integer Max number of characters allowed in a signature

Example Usage:

$config['sig_maxlength'] = '500';


Set which template should be displayed when a visitor tries to access an invalid URL.

Value Description
template_group/template_name Template to show for 404s

Example Usage:

$config['site_404'] = 'site/404';

Also available for use in the site index file, index.php. Example Usage:

$assign_to_config['site_404'] = 'site/notfound';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Template Settings: 404 Page


Set the filename of the site index file. By default, this will be index.php, which is located in the base folder. You will only need to alter this setting if you have changed the filename or you want to remove index.php from your site’s URLs.

Value Description
filename Name of your sites index file

Example Usage:

$config['site_index'] = 'coolpage.php';

Also available for use in the site index file, index.php. Example Usage:

$assign_to_config['site_index'] = 'secondsite.php';

Also found in CP: Settings --> URL and Path Settings: Name of your site’s index page


Set the short name of the site. The site created upon installation is named default_site, so this is typically only helpful for additional sites in MSM-enabled installations.

Value Description
shortname Site short name

Available for use only in the site index file, index.php, and the CP index file, admin.php. Example Usage:

$assign_to_config['site_name'] = 'domain2_short_name';

Also found in CP: Developer --> Site Manager --> Edit


Set the full URL to the site’s web root.

Value Description
URL Full URL to the site’s web root

Example Usage:

$config['site_url'] = '';

Also available for use in the site index file, index.php. Example Usage:

$assign_to_config['site_url'] = '';

Also found in CP: Settings --> URL and Path Settings: URL to the root directory of your site


When enabled, parsing of embedded templates that are not saved as static templates will still be parsed as if they were, if at all possible (i.e. they contain no PHP or ExpressionEngine tags). This setting is enabled by default.

Value Behavior
y Enable smart static parsing (default)
n Disable smart static parsing

Example Usage:

$config['smart_static_parsing'] = 'n';


If mail protocol is set to smtp, this sets the password the system will use to authenticate with the SMTP server. This information can be obtained from your email provider.

Value Description
password SMTP password

Example Usage:

$config['smtp_password'] = 'ic6XpWJnv4ip';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Outgoing Email: SMTP Password


If mail protocol is set to smtp, this sets the mail server port. This information can be obtained from your email provider.

Value Description
port SMTP port (default is 25)

Example Usage:

$config['smtp_port'] = '2525';


If mail protocol is set to smtp, this sets the mail server hostname. This information can be obtained from your email provider.

Note: You can connect to SSL servers as long as OpenSSL is installed on the server hosting ExpressionEngine. Please check with your server administrator to confirm.

Value Description
hostname SMTP server hostname

Example Usage:

$config['smtp_server'] = '';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Outgoing Email: SMTP Server Address


If mail protocol is set to smtp, this sets the username the system will use to authenticate with the SMTP server. This information can be obtained from your email provider.

Value Description
username SMTP username

Example Usage:

$config['smtp_username'] = '[email protected]';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Outgoing Email: SMTP Username


Set the language used by spell check.

Value Description
language code 2 letter ISO 639 language code (e.g. en, es, de)

Example Usage:

$config['spellcheck_language_code'] = 'en';


Set whether the system will allow templates from your default template group to be directly accessed in the first URL segment. If enabled, the system will require that the first URL segment be a valid template group only or a 404 page will be shown.

Value Behavior
y Enable Strict URLs (default)
n Disable Strict URLs

Example Usage:

$config['strict_urls'] = 'n';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Template Settings: Enable Strict URLs


Sets the default template. Must be used with template_group, and the two overrides together set the template group and template shown on the front-end when the site is loaded without anything in the URL segments.

Value Description
template Template name

Example Usage:

$config['template'] = 'index';

Also available for use in the site index file, index.php. Example Usage:

$assign_to_config['template'] = 'index';

Also found in CP: Developer --> Templates --> New/Edit: Make the index template in this group your site’s home page?


Sets the default template group. Must be used with template, and the two overrides together set the template group and template shown on the front-end when the site is loaded without anything in the URL segments.

Value Description
template group Template group name

Example Usage:

$config['template_group'] = 'about';

Also available for use in the site index file, index.php. Example Usage:

$assign_to_config['template_group'] = 'site_2';

Also found in CP: Developer --> Templates --> New/Edit: Make the index template in this group your site’s home page?


Set the server path to the themes directory.

Value Description
path Server path to the themes directory

Example Usage:

$config['theme_folder_path'] = '/home/usr/';

Also found in CP: Settings --> URL and Path Settings: Theme Folder Path


Set the URL to the themes directory.

Value Description
URL URL to the themes directory

Example Usage:

$config['theme_folder_url'] = '';

Also found in CP: Settings --> URL and Path Settings: URL to your “themes” folder


Set default time format to either 12- or 24-hour time format.

Value Description
12 12-hour time format
24 24-hour time format

Example Usage:

$config['time_format'] = '24';


Set the time interval for measuring the number of page loads that will trigger throttling. If you set this preference to 5 page loads within 10 seconds, a user can not browse more than 5 pages within a 10 second interval or the throttling feature will be triggered, locking them out for the given lockout time.

Value Description
integer Time interval in seconds (default is 8)

Example Usage:

$config['time_interval'] = '10';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Access Throttling: Time Interval


Stream encryption method, when using TLS for sending emails over SMTP.

Value Behavior

Example Usage:

$config['tls_crypto_method'] = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_3_CLIENT;


Set the minimum number of characters allowed for member usernames.

Value Description
integer Minimum character length

Example Usage:

$config['un_min_len'] = '5';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Minimum Username Length


Allow advanced options to be displayed during the ExpressionEngine update process.

Value Behavior
y Shows database backup and add-on upgrade during update process
n Hides advanced options during update process (default)

Example Usage:

$config['updater_allow_advanced'] = 'y';


With an array, add a case insensitive list of file names that cannot be uploaded.

Example Usage:

$config['upload_blocked_file_names'] = array(


With an associative array, specify upload destination paths, URLs, and titles.

Note: Each key in the array is optional and only overrides existing values in the database. New upload destinations cannot be created using this config override.

Example Usage:

$config['upload_preferences'] = array(
    1 => array(                                                            // ID of upload destination
        'name'        => 'Staging Image Uploads',                          // Display name in control panel
        'server_path' => '/home/user/', // Server path to upload directory
        'url'         => ''      // URL of upload directory

Also found in CP: Files: Edit Upload Destination


Specify which server global should be used to retrieve the URI string. The default setting of AUTO works for most servers. Learn more about these server globals.

Value Behavior
AUTO Default value, auto detects

Example Usage:

$config['uri_protocol'] = 'PATH_INFO';


Set the system to generate category links with category URL titles rather than the numeric category indicator (e.g. /C12/).

Value Behavior
y Enable category links with category URL titles
n Disable category links with category URL titles (default)

Example Usage:

$config['use_category_name'] = 'y';

Also found in CP: Settings --> URL and Path Settings: Use Category URL Titles In Links?


Set the system to use the forum URL specified in the forum board preferences rather than the the main site URL to form the forum’s URL.

Value Behavior
y Use forum URL from forum board preferences
n Use main site URL (default)

Example Usage:

$config['use_forum_url'] = 'y';


When enabled, New Relic will add Real User Monitoring JavaScript to all ExpressionEngine-powered pages on both the front-end and in the CP.

Value Behavior
y Enable New Relic RUM JavaScript (default)
n Disable New Relic RUM JavaScript

Example Usage:

$config['use_newrelic'] = 'y';


Set the site’s return email address for auto-generated emails.

Value Description
email Return email address for auto-generated emails

Example Usage:

$config['webmaster_email'] = '[email protected]';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Outgoing Email: Return email address for auto-generated emails


Set the From name for auto-generated emails.

Value Description
string The From name for auto-generated emails.

Example Usage:

$config['webmaster_name'] = 'Your Favorite Website';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Outgoing Email: Webmaster or site name for auto-generated emails


Set TTL for frontend sessions.

Value Description
integer Session TTL in seconds (default is 7200 - 2 hours)


Specify how sessions are handled on the front-end of the site.

Value Behavior
c Use cookies only (default)
s Use session ID only
cs Use both cookies and session ID

Example Usage:

$config['website_session_type'] = 'c';

Also found in CP: Settings --> Security & Privacy: Website Session Type


Set the day on which the new week starts. If allow_member_localization is enabled and a member has their own localization preference set, that will override this setting.

Value Description
friday Friday
saturday Saturday
sunday Sunday (default)
monday Monday

Example Usage:

$config['week_start'] = 'monday';


Specify the character the system will use to replace spaces when auto-generating a URL title based on the entry’s title.

Value Behavior
dash Use a dash (-) as the word separator (default)
underscore Use an underscore (_) as the word separator

Example Usage:

$config['word_separator'] = 'dash';

Also found in CP: Settings --> URL and Path Settings: Word Separator for URL Titles


Set the X-Frame-Options header to control where your site can be included in frames or iframes. This setting only affects the frontend of the site. The control panel will always use the default “SAMEORIGIN”.

Value Description
NONE Disable the header, allow framing from anywhere (not recommended)
SAMEORIGIN Only allow framing from the site itself (default)
DENY Do not allow framing of any sort


Set the default XML language, typically used when outputting RSS feeds. Feeds will identify themselves as having the language specified here.

Value Description
language code 2 letter ISO 639 language code (e.g. en, es, de)

Example Usage:

$config['xml_lang'] = 'en';


Specify member IDs to exclude from XSS cleaning.

Value Description
text Comma-delimited list of member IDs

Example Usage:

$config['xss_clean_member_exception'] = '3, 14, 83';


Specify member role IDs to exclude from XSS cleaning.

Value Description
text Comma-delimited list of member role IDs

Example Usage:

$config['xss_clean_member_group_exception'] = '2, 5';