ExpressionEngine Docs

Fluid Field Model

class ExpressionEngine\Addons\FluidField\Model\FluidField






Get a Fluid Field by the Field ID

$fluid_field = ee('Model')
            ->filter('entry_id', 4)
            ->filter('fluid_field_id', 5)

Add a Text Field to a Fluid Field

A Fluid Field is assigned to a Channel, and has field options assigned.

// Create a Fluid object.
$field = ee('Model')->make('fluid_field:FluidField');

// Assign required values.
$field->entry_id        = 19; // The Entry we want to associate this fluid field with.
$field->fluid_field_id  = 15; // The Fluid Field ID itself.
$field->field_id        = 9; // The Text Field ID to add.
$field->field_data_id   = 4; // The row of data in the text field to use.
$field->order           = 5; // Set the order relative to other fields within the fluid field. Omitting will put the new field first.

// Save the changes.