Config Management
Set of CLI commands that updates the config file values, as well as ENV values. These are commonly use to provision a site or as part of a deploy script.
Updates values in the config.php file.
Options list
-c <value>
The config item to modify
-v <value>
The value to set the config item to
Set system to offline:
php eecli.php config:config -c is_system_on -v n
Set system to online:
php eecli.php config:config -c is_system_on -v y
Set debug to 1:
php eecli.php config:config -c debug -v 1
Updates values in the .env.php file.
Options list
-e <value>
The env item to set/modify
-v <value>
The value to set the env item to
Set system to offline:
php eecli.php config:env -e IS_SYSTEM_ON -v n
Set system to online:
php eecli.php config:env -e IS_SYSTEM_ON -v y
Set EE_INSTALL_MODE to false
php eecli.php config:env -e EE_INSTALL_MODE -v FALSE