ExpressionEngine Docs


Settings for Pro Variables

Select Variable Managers

Select the member groups that are allowed to manage the variables, rather than just editing their contents.

Clear cache

If set to Yes, all native cache will be cleared after variables are saved. If set to Ask, a checkbox will appear next to the Save Changes button to optionally clear the cache. It will be unchecked by default with opt-in, checked by default with opt-out.

Enable early parsing?

Choose if variables can be parsed early in the parsing order; before or after existing Snippets and config-variables. Yes, before Snippets will parse early parsed Pro Variables before Snippets and variables set in config.php; Yes, after Snippets will parse them after.

Use caution when turning on this feature, as users could potentially break your templates!

Variable types

Here you can find a list of available Variable Types and Pro Variables compatible Field Types. Select which types you want to enable. Disabled types will not appear in the module.