ExpressionEngine Docs

File Field Library

ExpressionEngine’s File Field Library provides some helper functions to display and parse File fields.


In order to be used, the library needs to be loaded first. You can do it with this code


Class Reference

class File_field

dragAndDropField($field_name, $data = '', $allowed_file_dirs = 'all', $content_type = 'all')

Creates a drag-and-drop, control-panel only file field

Parameter Type Description
$field_name String The name of the field
$data String The data stored in the file field e.g. {file:XX:url} or {filedir_x}filename.ext
$allowed_file_dirs String Whether to show one upload destination or all upload destinations. Either ‘all’ or ONE directory ID
$content_type String The content type allowed. Either ‘all’ or ‘image’
Returns String Fully rendered file field
$file_field = ee()->file_field->dragAndDropField('file_field', $file_field, 'all', 'image');

field($field_name, $data = '', $allowed_file_dirs = 'all', $content_type = 'all', $filebrowser = true, $existing_limit = null)

Creates a front-end-friendly file field

Parameter Type Description
$field_name String The name of the field
$data String The data stored in the file field, e.g. {file:XX:url} or {filedir_x}filename.ext
$allowed_file_dirs String The allowed file directory. Either ‘all’ or ONE directory ID
$content_type String The content type allowed. Either ‘all’ or ‘image’
$filebrowser Bool Indicates whether the list of existing files should be shown
$existing_limit Int The number of existing files to show
Returns String Rended file field that can be displayed in front-end templates


Returns File model for the file field value. Can accept string like {file:XX:url}, {filedir_1}somefile.jpg as well as numeric file ID.


Parse field contents, which may be in {file:XX:url} or {filedir_x}filename.ext format.

This function is being called internally when using Typography library, but you might need to explicitly call it in your add-on if the output data are not being passed to EE Typography parser.

$content = ee()->file_field->parse_field($content);