ExpressionEngine Docs

Additional Config Files

In addition to config.php ExpressionEngine has a number of other configuration files that are being used by Config Service

As a general rule, the values provided in those config files (located in system/ee/ExpressionEngine/Config folder) are good for most sites, however there might be cases where certain setup would need to override some of the values.

In order to do that, simply copy the corresponding file to system/user/config folder and change or add the values that are needed.

CAPTCHA Word Dictionary


The list of the words that are being used to generate CAPTCHA. If you need to expand this list, add extra words to your custom config in system/user/config/captcha.php

Foreign Characters


This file contains an array of foreign characters for transliteration conversion used by the Text helper (example would be generating URL Titles for entries).

HTML Form Attributes


A list of HTML attributes that are allowed to be passed via EE template tag parameters to the form tag when creating forms with ee()->functions->form_declaration(). Additionally, attributes prefixed with data- and aria- can be used without being specified in the config settings.

Allowed Mime Types


This file sets the mime types that are allowed to be uploaded using the upload class. For security reasons the list is kept as small as possible. The mimes.php file in your system/user/config folder will override the system mimes.php entirely. If you need to upload mime types that are not in the list you can add them. If you want to disallow a mime type that is allowed by default, you can remove it from your mimes.php file and it will be disallowed.

The mime types are grouped by file type. These file types make up the ‘Allowed File Types’ options in the upload directory settings. You can add new mimes to an existing file type or create a new file type and add to that. Your new file type will be included as an option in the file upload preferrence file types.

Tip: Customizing Allowed File Types in ExpressionEngine

Reverse Proxy IP addresses


If the server is behind a reverse proxy or load balancer the system will need special configuration to discover a user’s real IP address. If the IP address passed along by the server matches a value or range specified in this configuration file the system will look at the request headers to determine the real IP address.

Please consult with the provider of your reverse proxy or load balancing solutions for the IP addresses or ranges to use. Some providers will let you know the exact IP address of the load balancer, while others will give you a range. Here are the links with information for some common providers: CloudFlare, Google Cloud, AWS Elastic

‘Remember me’ expiration


This file holds the duration of user session when ‘remember me’ checkbox is checked on login.



This file lets you re-map URI requests to specific controller functions.

We generally recommend using Template Routes and not modify this file, unless you know you need to.

Stop Words


This file contains an array of words that the search functions in EE will ignore in order to a) reduce load, and b) generate better results.