ExpressionEngine Docs

Addon Service

Simple Example

Read-only access to the data in an addon.setup.php file is made available via the object returned from a ee('Addon')->get($addon_name) call. The returned object has a get($key) method to retrieve data. For example:

$info = ee('Addon')->get('hello_world');
echo $info->get('description');

Addon Service Methods

class ExpressionEngine\Service\Addon\Factory


Get an add-on object.

Parameter Type Description
$name String The short name of the add-on
Returns Addon An Addon


Get all add-ons.

Parameter Type Description
Returns Array An array of Addon objects


Get all the installed add-ons.

Parameter Type Description
Returns Array An array of Addon objects

Addon Object Methods

class ExpressionEngine\Service\Addon\Addon


Is this add-on installed?

Parameter Type Description
Returns Boolean TRUE if it is, FALSE if not


Does this add-on have an update available?

Parameter Type Description
Returns Boolean TRUE if it does, FALSE if not


Get the installed version

Parameter Type Description
Returns Mixed NULL if not installed or a version string


Get the plugin or module class

Parameter Type Description
Returns String The fqcn or $class


Get the module class

Parameter Type Description
Returns String The fqcn or $class


Get the plugin class

Parameter Type Description
Returns String The fqcn or $class


Get the *_upd class

Parameter Type Description
Returns String The fqcn or $class


Get the *_mcp class

Parameter Type Description
Returns String The fqcn or $class


Get the extension class

Parameter Type Description
Returns String The fqcn or $class


Does this add-on have a file?

Parameter Type Description
Returns Boolean TRUE if it does, FALSE if not


Does this add-on have module or plugin?

Parameter Type Description
Returns Boolean TRUE if it does, FALSE if not


Does this add-on have a upd. file?

Parameter Type Description
Returns Boolean TRUE if it does, FALSE if not


Does this add-on have a mcp. file?

Parameter Type Description
Returns Boolean TRUE if it does, FALSE if not


Does this add-on have a mod. file?

Parameter Type Description
Returns Boolean TRUE if it does, FALSE if not


Does this add-on have a pi. file?

Parameter Type Description
Returns Boolean TRUE if it does, FALSE if not


Does this add-on have a ext. file?

Parameter Type Description
Returns Boolean TRUE if it does, FALSE if not


Does this add-on have a ft. file?

Parameter Type Description
Returns Boolean TRUE if it does, FALSE if not


Gets an array of the filedtype classes

Parameter Type Description
Returns Array An array of classes


Get an associative array of names of each fieldtype. Maps the fieldtype’s shortname to it’s display name. The provider file is first checked for the display name in the fieldtypes key, falling back on the getName() method.

Parameter Type Description
Returns Array An associative array of shortname to display name for each fieldtype.


Get the add-on Provider

Parameter Type Description
Returns ExpressionEngine\Core\Provider The add-on provider


If ExpressionEngine License Validation is enabled for the add-on, this will return the status of the license. You can enable License Validation in the add-on management section of your vendor account. Please note, by enabling license validation through, you agree that you will not disable any functionality of a live site.

Parameter Type Description
Returns String Possible license statuses: (valid, invalid, na, trial, expired)