ExpressionEngine Docs

Debugging & Output

Control Panel Location: Settings > Debugging & Output

This section of the Control Panel allows you to define how your site is output from the server to the user. This includes how debugging information is handled for your website. These are general settings that apply throughout the website/system.


Enable error reporting?

When set to “enable”, super admins and member roles with permissions will see PHP/MySQL errors when they occur.

Enable debugging?

If enabled, Super Admins will see benchmark results, SQL queries, and submitted form data displayed at the bottom of the browser window. On the front end, this includes Global Variables, Conditionals, Tags, PHP on Input/Output, Embeds, and Extension Hooks. This is an excellent tool for debugging.

Enable GZIP compression?

Set the system to serve compressed front-end pages for faster load times as long as the requesting browser supports gzip compression, PHP’s zlib extension is loaded, and the web server is not already serving compressed pages.

Note: This setting only controls whether ExpressionEngine itself serves up compressed front-end pages. If the web server is configured to serve compressed pages, this setting will have no effect.

Force URL query strings?

If enabled, ExpressionEngine will render URLs with a question mark following index.php in order to pass along segment information as a standard query string:

This is necessary for only a few types of web servers to process ExpressionEngine’s URLs correctly. ExpressionEngine’s default is a much more search-engine friendly format:

In rare circumstances, you may need to use this variable in conjunction with editing the $qtype variable in your main site index.php file.

Use HTTP page headers?

This setting determines whether or not the server should automatically send HTTP page headers when it serves the pages to a user. Setting this preference to “Yes” causes headers to be explicitly sent by the server. Sending explicit headers is generally considered to be a good practice, although in some cases it can cause some problems.

Redirection type

This setting determines what method is used for page redirections. These redirections are used relatively frequently throughout the system, especially with things like logging in/out and other membership related functions. There are two options:

  • Location (faster): This is the preferred method, which uses PHP’s “location” functionality.
  • Refresh (Windows servers): The “refresh” method is often necessary for windows-based servers due to the poor way they handle PHP’s “location” functionality. This method is usually slightly slower than the other method.

Caching Driver

The caching driver ExpressionEngine is set to use.

Cacheable URIs

If you cache your templates (pages), this preference limits the total number of cache files in order to prevent them from taking up too much disk space. 150 is a good number for a small site. If you have a large site and disk space is not an issue you can set it higher (over 300). There is an internal limit of 1000 regardless of your preference.