ExpressionEngine Docs

Member Manager

Members Listing

Control Panel Location: Members

This page is used both to search and to browse through members within your ExpressionEngine installation.

Member Manager Control Panel Page

Filters and search input can be used to narrow down the list of members displayed.

The set of columns displayed can be customized using the “Columns” dropdown. By default, the following columns are shown: Member ID, Name (which is composed of avatar, username and screen name), Email, Roles, Join Date, Last Visit Date. Also each member row has “Actions” buttons that contains links to some common actions and a checkbox that allows performing bulk actions on selected members. When “Pending” is selected in the “Role” filter, the bulk action options are “Approve” and “Decline”, otherwise “Remove” is the only option.

All roles assigned to a member are shown in the Roles column. When multiple roles are assigned, the primary role will have an indicator. If the member is pending the column does not say “Pending” but instead shows the role to which the member will be assigned once approved (with pending indicator) and a button to approve.

Member Roles

Control Panel Location: Members > Roles

The Member Roles area of the Control Panel permits you to manage your Member Roles. The member roles can be sorted by ID, Role Name, and Status.

Each member of your site must have at least one Role, which is referred to as the Primary Role. These roles allow you to restrict and control what a given member is allowed to do, and which pages they are allowed to access. Each Member Role has over 50 different privileges that can be allowed or denied, giving you precise control over what each of your members can do.

You can assign multiple roles to a member.

Create/Edit All Member Roles

Control Panel Location: Members > Roles > Create/Edit

This sections allows you to set the various permissions and settings for the selected Member Role.

ExpressionEngine comes with 5 built-in Roles:

These roles should never be deleted.

If you need a custom set of permissions for the role, we suggest creating a new role for each case. You can do that by clicking “New Role” button, or you can create a new role based on an existing one by picking “Clone to New Role” from the role’s “Save” dropdown.

Edit the role by clicking its name in the list.

Role Settings

Control Panel Location: Members > Roles > Create/Edit

Roles are highly configurable to manage permissions for members that belong to the role. It is important to note that permissions are additive. This means that if a member belongs to multiple roles they will have the sum of all the permissions granted by each of their roles.

You should be very careful when assigning permissions marked with a shield icon. These are related to the security of your website.

The role settings are grouped into the following tabs.

Role tab

This tab contains the generic settings for the role. You can also assign the role to Role Groups on this tab.

Tip: Hide and Show Field Short Names in the Publish Area

Website Access tab

Use this tab to set up how members in this role can interact with your website and what actions they can perform on the front-end.

CP Access tab

This tab is used to set up the sections of the Control Panel that members in this role can access. You can also set up specific actions they can perform within each section. There are also settings for defining the look of certain Control Panel pages.

The settings here are grouped into sections for each subset of Control Panel functionality.


Defines whether and how the members in this role can administrate the Channels and related content structures (such as Categories, Statuses).

Channel Entries

Defines the permissions that members in this role have for creating/editing/deleting entries in each of the channels.


Defines actions members in this role can perform on the files as well as administrative permissions on upload directories.

Note: when editing channel entries with File fields, the members would need access to respective upload directories to modify those.


Defines whether the members of this role can access Member Manager and perform certain actions on members and roles.


Defines whether the members of this role can create/edit/modify templates, template partials and template variables. Granular administrative permissions can also be set per template group.


Defines whether the members of this role can access the Add-ons section and which Add-ons they are allowed to access in the Control Panel.


Set the CP utilities that members of this role are allowed to use.


Defines if members of this role can access the Logs section in the Control Panel.


Defines if members of this role can modify system settings, with separate preferences for subsections which may contain more sensitive settings.

Template Access tab

This tab lists all the templates of your website. If you deselect certain templates, the members in this role will not be able to access site pages that are using these templates. Instead, they will see the “No Access” message as configured in settings for those templates.

Role Groups

Role Groups are a way to organize your roles into logical groups. Create a Role Group by clicking “New” next to Role Groups heading in the sidebar. You can set the role group name and assign roles to it by checking the appropriate checkboxes.

You can then assign members to the Role Group. These members will have all the permissions granted by all of the roles within the Role Group.

Custom Member Fields

Control Panel Location: Settings > Members > Member Fields

The link to this section is also found on top of the Member Listing page.

The Member Fields feature permits you to add fields to the member registration form and/or member profile and My Account areas.


Control Panel Location: Settings > Members > Member Fields > New/Edit

This section allows you to create or edit Member Fields.

The following field types are compatible and can be used for custom member fields:

Additionally, third-party field types that specify support for the MemberField model can be selected.

The following fields are available when creating a custom field:

Note: The fields are typically added automatically by the system so you do not need to edit the templates.

Register a New Member

Control Panel Location: Members > Create

The New Member Registration section of the Control Panel allows you to manually create a new membership account.

This section has the following options:

Ban Settings

Control Panel Location: Settings > Members > Ban Settings

The User Banning section of the Control Panel allows you to ban users by IP address, email, or name.

The ban section has the following options: