ExpressionEngine Docs

Format Service

The Format service offers a number of common formatting tasks as a convenience and consolidated way for ExpressionEngine handles these tasks. The Formatter handles common string and number presentational needs.

$display_size = ee('Format')->make('Number', $content)->bytes();

The Format service is a factory to the various formatters available. If you need the factory, use ee('Format'). If you need a Formatter, use ee('Format')->make($formatter, $content).

Format Factory

class EllisLab\ExpressionEngine\Service\Formatter\FormatterFactory

make($formatter_name, $content)

Makes a Formatter object.

Parameter Type Description
$formatter_name String Formatter name
$content Mixed The content to be formatted
Returns Formatter A Formatter object

All Formatters


Compiles and returns the content as a string. Typically this is used when you need to use a content as an array key, or want to json_encode() the content.

Parameter Type Description
Returns The content string


When accessed as a string simply complile the content and return that.

Parameter Type Description
Returns The content string

Note: When using Formatters, if you just need the string and not the object for further processing, you can use PHP’s type casting:

$array = array('size' => (string) ee('Format')->make('Number', $content)->bytes());

Number Formatter

See Number Formatter for details.

Text Formatter

See Text Formatter for details.

When to use compile()

The Formatter object has a magic __toString() method that compiles the object into a string when the object is treated as a string (see: PHP’s documentation on the magic __toString() method for more information). The compile() method exists for those occasions when the object is treated as an object but you need a string instead. As per PHP’s documentation on arrays: “Arrays and objects can not be used as keys. Doing so will result in a warning: Illegal offset type.“ You will also want to compile the object when you want to JSON encode the content otherwise you will get a JSON object instead of a string.

For example:

  'form.some_input.value' => ee('Format')->make('String', $content)->attribute_escape()->compile()