ExpressionEngine Docs

The addon.setup.php File

Starting with version 3.0 each add-on in ExpressionEngine must have an addon.setup.php file in its package directory. This file provides descriptive data about a specific add-on such as author, name, and version. See the Addon Service for API access.


The file must return an associative array. For example:


return array(
  'author'      => 'Example, Inc',
  'author_url'  => '',
  'name'        => 'Hello World',
  'description' => 'Displays a friendly "Hello world!" message.',
  'version'     => '2.0.0',
  'namespace'   => 'Example\HelloWorld'

Available Keys


'author' => 'Example, Inc'

This is the name of the company or individual responsible for the add-on. This value is used in the Add-On Manager for attribution as well as filtering. This a required key.


'author_url' => ''

This is the URL associated with the add-on. This value is used in manual display for plugins, as such this is a required key for all plugins.


'name' => 'Hello World'

This is the name of the add-on. This value is used in the Add-On Manager as the display name for the add-on. This is a required key.


'description' => 'Displays a friendly "Hello world!" message.'

This is a brief description of the add-on. This value is used in the manual display for plugins, as such this is a required key for all plugins.


'version' => '2.0.0'

This is the version number of the add-on. We recommend using Semantic Versioning. This is a required key.


'namespace' => 'Example\HelloWorld'

This is the PHP namespace for your add-on. This is a required key.

This key associates your add-on directory with a namespace. ExpressionEngine will will look inside your add-on directory any time it encounters a class name that begins with this namespace.


'settings_exist' => TRUE

This indicates whether or not the add-on exposes settings to the Add-On Manager. The default is FALSE.


'docs_url' => ''

This is an external URL for additional documentation.


'plugin.typography' => TRUE

This indicates whether or not the add-on provides a plugin that should be made available as a text formatter to some Channel Fields. The default is FALSE.


'fieldtypes' => array(
  'hello_world' => array(
    'name' => 'Hello World',
    'compatibility' => 'text'

This is an associative array of the fieldtypes the add-on contains where the key corresponds to the fieldtype, ft.hello_world.php in the above example. Each fieldtype defines its name which is used when creating or editing Channel Fields.

As of 3.1.0 fieldtypes can specify their compatibility. When editing a Channel Field the fieldtype options will be restricted to those fieldtypes that have the same compatibility. ExpressionEngine’s native fieldtypes have the following compatibilities:


'services' => array(
  'MyService' => function($addon)
    $dependency = new SupportingClass();
    return new ServiceClass(dependency);

This is an associative array of services to register on the Dependency Injection Container. This is typically used to help you place class construction code in a single place that can be easily called throughout your app. If your service code is written to be unit-testable, you may have several classes you need to insert through dependency injection. Instead of having to copy and paste boiler plate code to set up your service throughout your add-on, you can just register it in the Dependency Injection Container and call it from your add-on like this:


Where example is the short package name of your add-on.

Note: You may need to include your service code’s namespace in the addon.setup.php file. Assuming it’s stored in a Service directory in your addon, it may look like: use Example\HelloWorld\Service\ServiceClass;


'models' => array(
  'Name' => 'Model\ClassName'

This is an associate array of models exposed by this addon. The class name should be relative to the addon namespace. Typically addons will be in a Model directory in the addon’s folder.


'consent.requests' => [
  'do_stuff' => [
    'title' => 'Do Stuff',
    'request' => 'We will *do stuff* with your data, okay?',
    'request_format' => 'markdown',
  'do_some_other_stuff' => [
    'title' => 'Do Some Other Stuff',
    'request' => 'We will *do some other stuff* with your data, okay?',
    'request_format' => 'markdown',
    'double_opt_in' => TRUE,

This will register your consent requests with your add-on namespace, and you can now grant and withdraw consent using your add-on’s prefix (e.g. my_addon) and a colon(:):


Note: Consent requests in your addon.setup.php file will automatically be created when your add-on is installed. If you modify your consent.requests in your setup file, any new consent requests that do not already exist will automatically be created when the user updates your add-on. So make sure you increment your app version if you add new consent requests.

Key Definition
title (required) The display name for the consent request
request (required) The explanatory text for the consent request. After installation, a site admin can modify this text as necessary to fit their needs, but you should provide a clear and direct explanation of what consenting to this request will allow.
request_format (optional) Any valid format that will be used to parse your request text. (e.g. br, markdown, none, xhtml)
double_opt_in (optional) Boolean value, whether or not this consent requests requires a double opt-in (e.g. checking a checkbox and clicking a verification link sent by email)

Note: The short name will also be used by a site builder in {exp:consent} tag parameters.

Note: double_opt_in will soon be handled automatically by this service. But if you choose to use this now (v4.3.0), you will need to build your own mechanism for the second verification before granting consent.


'cookies.necessary' => [
'cookies.functionality' => [
'cookies.performance' => [
'cookies.targeting' => [

If your add-on sets any custom cookies, you must register the name of the cookie here within the array(s) of the appropriate type. This way if the site requires consent for cookies, the user’s preferences can be respected. If you set a cookie that is not registered with your add-on, it will still set, but a warning will be generated in the Developer Log detailing the non-compliant cookie. The ExpressionEngine cookie prefix will be appended to cookie names automatically and should not be included in the registered name.

Type Purpose
cookies.necessary Required to function properly. Does not contain personally identifiable information.
cookies.functionality Enhances functionality, such as remembering a user’s preferences or settings.
cookies.performance Analytics, statistics, etc. Data should be aggregated and anonymous.
cookies.targeting Typically the only cookie type that can contain personally identifiable information. Marketing cookies that help establish profiles for ad delivery, for instance.