ExpressionEngine Docs

Embedding Templates within Other Templates

Any template can be embedded within another template using the “embed” tag:


Where “template_group” is the name of the group and “template” is the name of the template. For example:


You must include both the template group and the template name in the embed tag.

By default, you cannot use embeds inside of Forum templates. See Other Features for instructions on running the forums through regular templates.


Embedding Variables

In the {embed=””} tag you can also specify parameters that will be used as variables in the embedded page. For example, if you specifiy a parameter of dog_name=”Shadow”:

{embed="site/header" dog_name="Shadow"}

Then in the site/header template, you can have a variable called {embed:dog_name}, which will be replaced with the value of “Shadow”:

<h2>My dog's name is {embed:dog_name}</h2>

Since {embed=””} tags are processed after all of the other tags of the original template are processed, this means you can set these parameters with other variables too:

{exp:channel:entries channel="default_site" limit="1"}
    {embed="site/export" the_id="{entry_id}"}

You may also use embed variables in conditionals:

{if embed:dog_name == "Shadow"}
    My dog's name is {embed:dog_name}.
    {embed:dog_name} will never be as cool as Shadow.

Embedded Template vs. Template Partial

Since Template partials can also contain tags, variables, and PHP, the question often arises: which do I choose? If your content meets one of the following criteria, use an Embedded template.

In all other cases, Template partials are typically the better solution, as Embedded templates utilize more resources. Partials are more light-weight.