ExpressionEngine Docs

Encrypt Service

The encrypt service provides two-way data encryption as well as signing and verification of signatures. The most common use is to encrypt parameters sent with form data.

Simple Examples

Encrypting some data:

$meta = array(
  'site_id' => 1,
  'entry_id' => 12,
  'author_id' => 23
$var['meta'] = ee('Encrypt')->encrypt(serialize($meta));

Decrypting the same data:

$meta = ee('Encrypt')->decrypt($_POST['meta']);
$meta = unserialize($meta);

Note: Use encode() and decode() if you’d like the data automatically base64 encoded.

To sign data:

$signed = ee('Encrypt')->sign($data);

To verify the data hasn’t changed:

$safe = ee('Encrypt')->verifySignature($data, $signed);

Encrypt Methods

class ExpressionEngine\Service\Encrypt\Encrypt

encrypt($string, $key = '')

Takes a plain-text string and key and encrypts it

Parameter Type Description
$string String The plaintext string
$key String The encryption key, if not defined we’ll use a default key
Returns String The encrypted string on success or FALSE on failure

decrypt($data, $key = '')

Takes an encrypted string and key and decrypts it.

Parameter Type Description
$string String The encrypted string
$key String The encryption key, if not defined we’ll use a default key
Returns String The decrypted string on success or FALSE on failure

encode($string, $key = '')

Encodes the string with the set encryption driver and then base64 encodes that.

Parameter Type Description
$string String The plaintext string
$key String The encryption key, if not defined we’ll use a default key
Returns String A base64 encoded encrypted string

decode($data, $key = '')

Decodes an encoded string by first base64 decodeing it, then passing the string off to the driver for its decoding process.

Parameter Type Description
$string String A base64 encoded encrypted string
$key String The encryption key, if not defined we’ll use a default key
Returns String The plaintext string

sign($data, $key = NULL, $algo = 'md5')

Creates a signed hash value using hash_hmac()

Parameter Type Description
$data String Content to hash
$key String The secret key, if not defined we’ll use a default key
$algo String Hashing algorithm, defaults to md5
Returns String String consisting of the calculated message digest as lowercase hexits

verifySignature($data, $signed_data, $key = NULL, $algo = 'md5')

Verify the signed data hash

Parameter Type Description
$data String Current content
$signed_data String Hashed content to compare to
$key String The secret key, if not defined we’ll use a default key
$algo String Hashing algorithm, defaults to md5
Returns Bool TRUE if the signed data is verified, FALSE if not, NULL if there is no