ExpressionEngine Docs

Functions Class

class Functions

The Functions class contains commonly required functions used throughout ExpressionEngine’s scripts.

fetch_site_index([$add_slash = FALSE[, $sess_id = TRUE]])

Parameter Type Description
$add_slash Boolean Set to TRUE to add a slash to the end of the return value
$sess_id Boolean Set to FALSE to exclude the session id
Returns String Site index URL

Returns the url of the main site index.

create_url($segment[, $sess_id = TRUE])

Parameter Type Description
$segment String The desired URL’s URI
$sess_id Boolean If set to FALSE, session_id will not be included
Returns String Full site URL pointing to $segment

The segment passed to this function is parsed and added to the full site URL to create a full URL/URI.

$memberlist_url = ee()->functions->create_url('member/memberlist');
// returns ""


Parameter Type Description
Returns String Current URI

Returns uri for current page.


Parameter Type Description
$str String String to extract the path from
Returns String Template group/name pair

Extract the template group/template name from $str, like {some_var path='channel/index'}, and returns just the path.

// Parse permalink path
$key = '{permalink path='channel/details'}'
if (ee()->functions->extract_path($key) != '' && ee()->functions->extract_path($key) != 'SITE_INDEX')
    $path = ee()->functions->extract_path($key).'/'.$row['entry_id'];
// function returns 'channel/details'

var_swap($str, $data)

Parameter Type Description
$str String String to parse
$data Array Associative array of keys to replace with values
Returns String $str parsed with $data

Replace array of variables in string:

$str = "Rick and Paul ate {meal} while sitting around the {item}";
$swap = array('meal' => "Skittles", 'item' => "computer");
$msg = ee()->functions->var_swap($str, $swap);
// returns "Rick and Paul ate Skittles while sitting around the computer";

redirect($location[, $method = FALSE[, $status_code = NULL]])

Parameter Type Description
$location String URL to redirect to
$method String Optionally choose a method to redirect with (can use refresh, otherwise defaults to using Location header)
$status_code Integer Status code in the 300 block
Returns Void

Redirect to location.

random([$type = 'encrypt'[, $len = 8]])

Parameter Type Description
$type String There are four possible values:
basic - just a random number
alpha - string with length of length using only letters (upper and lower case) of the alphabet
numeric - string with length of length using only numbers
nozero - string with length of length using all numbers except zero
md5 - string of a random number that has been md5‘ed
encrypt - string of a random number that has been hash’ed
$len Integer Length of the string
Returns String Random string of characters

Random number/password generator.


Parameter Type Description
$data Array Associative array of data (see above for example)
Returns String Opening form tag and hidden fields

Creates opening form tag and hidden variables.

Any form will accept the form_class and form_id parameters. Access the values with TMPL class properties of form_id and form_class.

$form_details = array(
    'action'          => '',
    'name'            => 'upload',
    'id'              => ee()->TMPL->form_id,
    'class'           => ee()->TMPL->form_class,
    'hidden_fields'   => array('new' => 'y'),
    'secure'          => TRUE,
    'onsubmit'        => "validate_form(); return false;"

$r = ee()->functions->form_declaration($form_details);

form_backtrack([$offset = ''])

Parameter Type Description
$offset Integer How many pages you want to backtrack: 0 is the current page, -1 would be the form page, and -2 would be the page prior to the form page.
Returns String Previous URL

Returns a URL that allows us to return a user to a previously visited page after submitting a form. ExpressionEngine keeps track of the last five pages viewed by a visitor, and the page returned is determined by the value of offset.

$data = array(
    'title'   => 'Information Accepted',
    'heading' => 'Thank you',
    'content' => 'Thank you for the locale information',
    'link'    => array(ee()->functions->form_backtrack('-2'), 'Return to entry')



Parameter Type Description
$str String String to evaluate as PHP
Returns String Resulting value

Evaluates a string as PHP:

$str = "echo 3*4;";


echo ee()->functions->evaluate($str);
$value = ob_get_contents();


// $value is now equal to 12, since that is what would be outputted by the PHP.

char_limiter($str[, $num = 500])

Parameter Type Description
$str String String to limit
$num Interger Characters to limit to
Returns String Limited string

Returns section of a string limited to a certain amount of characters but rounds the string up to the nearest word.

word_limiter($str[, $num = 100])

Parameter Type Description
$str String String to limit
$num Interger Words to limit to
Returns String Limited string

Returns section of a string based on number of words.


Parameter Type Description
$name String Name of the email template
Returns String Email template parsed with the user’s language

Returns the contents of the email template requested based on the language settings of the user.


Parameter Type Description
$default String Currently selected or default language
Returns String Div tag with a select tag that contains the listing of languages

Returns form select menu of available language packs

clear_caching($which[, $sub_dir = ''])

Parameter Type Description
$which String 'page', 'tag', 'db', 'sql', 'relationships', 'all'
$sub_dir String Define a specific folder or file in the cache directory
Returns Void

Clears one or all of the main cache folders

delete_directory($path[, $del_root = FALSE])

Parameter Type Description
$path String Absolute path of the directory you wish to empty; remember to use the path constants to make this easier
$del_root Boolean Set to TRUE to delete the directory as well
Returns Void

Empties a directory of any files.


Parameter Type Description
Returns Array Array of channels accessible by current user

Returns array of channels accessible by current user.

fetch_action_id($class, $method)

Parameter Type Description
$class String Class that contains the $method
$method String Name of the method that has an action ID
Returns String Valid action ID tag

Returns a tag in the format {AID:class:method} for use in the frontend. (See also EE->cp->fetch_action_id).

$action_id = ee()->functions->fetch_action_id('Comment', 'insert_new_comment');

create_captcha($old_world = '')

Parameter Type Description
$old_word String Can specify the word to appear as a captcha
Returns String <img> tag

Using a random word chosen from the array stored in the config/captcha.php file, this function will create a captcha image and then store that word and the IP address of the current user in the database. You can then put the returned <img> tag in your form along with a text input field for the user submitted word. When the form is submitted you can check the submitted word against the database for the user’s IP. If it matches, you continue processing the form data. If it does not, then the form should fail. This is used to prevent automated spamming tools from submitting spam.

sql_andor_string($str, $field[, $prefix = ''[, $null = FALSE]])

Parameter Type Description
$str String Pipe delimited string from the tag parameter
$field String Name of the database field
$prefix String Field prefix, used when working with multiple tables to define the table (e.g. database_table_name.field_name)
$null Boolean Allow for null values in the $field
Returns String Partial query string containing some of the WHERE clause

Certain tag parameters have the option to be in the form of 'value1|value2' or 'not value1|value2', which allows the acceptance of multiple values. This function takes that parameter as $str and the $field to check, along with the (optional) $prefix of the table containing the field, and returns the query string required:

$str  = 'channel|news|sports';
$sql  = "SELECT * FROM exp_channels WHERE site_id = 1 ";
$sql .= ee()->functions->sql_andor_string($str, 'channel_name');
// $sql equals:
// SELECT * FROM exp_channels WHERE site_id = 1
// AND channel_name = 'channel' OR channel_name = 'news' OR channel_name = 'sports'

assign_variables([$str = ''[, $slash = '/']])

Parameter Type Description
$str String String to parse
$slash String What kind of backslash is in the string (/ or &#47;)
Returns Array Associative array containing both var_single and var_pair

This function extracts the variables contained within the current tag being parsed and assigns them to one of two arrays which are returned to you: var_single or var_pair.


Parameter Type Description
$datestr String The string to look for a single date format in
Returns String Date format string

Fetch the date format (e.g. %Y %m %d) from a date variable (e.g. {date format="%Y %m %d"}).


Parameter Type Description
$str String String containing tag parameters directly from the TMPL::$tagdata
Returns Array Associative array containing the tag parameters

Fetch parameters for tag

prep_conditionals($str, $vars[, $safety = 'n'[, $prefix = '']])

Parameter Type Description
$str String Template TMPL::$tagdata to parse
$vars Array Associative array of conditionals to parse
$safety String Set to 'y' to ensure that some safety checks are performed to make sure conditionals are well formed
$prefix String Used when your variables have a prefix, parses both prefixed and non-prefixed variables
Returns String $str with the conditionals from $var parsed

Parses conditionals and preps conditional for evaluation