ExpressionEngine Docs

CLI Migrations

Generate, run and rollback migrations via the CLI.

Check out our video tutorial on running migrations and rolling back!

Generating a migration:

php eecli.php migrate:

Options list:

    -s <value>
        Specify the number of migrations to run

        Run all migrations. Core runs first, all add-on migrations, one at a time.

        Run all migrations. Alias for --everything

        Run only core migrations. This excludes all add-on migrations.

    -a <value>
        Run migration only for specified addon.

        Run migration only for specified addon.


Running all migrations:

The following commands will run all available migrations. They are aliases for each other.

php eecli.php migrate --all

php eecli.php migrate --everything

php eecli.php migrate -e

php eecli.php migrate:all

Running only core migrations:

The following commands will run all core migrations. They are aliases for each other.

php eecli.php migrate -c

php eecli.php migrate --core

php eecli.php migrate:core

Running only migrations for single addon:

php eecli.php migrate -a my_addon

php eecli.php migrate:addon -a my_addon

Running only migrations for all addons:

php eecli.php migrate --addons

php eecli.php migrate:addon --all

Rolling back one migration group:

php eecli.php migrate:rollback

Rolling back three migration groups:

php eecli.php migrate:rollback --steps=3

Rolling back all migration groups:

php eecli.php migrate:reset