ExpressionEngine Docs

Cp/Form Service

The Cp/Form Service allows for the creation of Shared Form View data using an object oriented interface.

Note this requires PHP >= 7.1


The below shows The Cp/Form Service at its simplest; every form can contain multiple groups, which can contain multiple field sets, which can contain multiple fields.


$form = ee('CP/Form');
$field_group = $form->getGroup('General Settings');

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('First Name');
$field_set->getField('first_name', 'text');

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('Last Name');
$field_set->getField('last_name', 'text');


Form Options

$form = ee('CP/Form');
$form->setCpPageTitle('My Custom Form')

$field_group = $form->getGroup('General Settings');

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('First Name');
$field_set->getField('first_name', 'text');

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('Last Name');
$field_set->getField('last_name', 'text');


API Reference

class ExpressionEngine\Library\Cp\Form

This object contains the complete outline for your Shared Form View array. For simple forms, all you’ll have to do is call the Service using EE’s loader, but for more complex Forms, you have quite a few options available.


Will output the Form object as a Tabbed format array form.

Parameter Type Description
Returns Cp\Form $this, the Form object to help in chaining


Determines if the Form is setup to be rendered as a Tabbed form

Parameter Type Description
Returns boolean Whether the form is to be rendered as tabbed


Will output the Form object as a linear array form (the default)

Parameter Type Description
Returns Cp\Form $this, the Form object to help in chaining


Will return the Field Group if it exists, or prepare and return a new Field Group. See Field Groups for more details.

Parameter Type Description
$group_name string The name for the Form Group
Returns Form\Group A Form Group object ready for use


Removes the specified group from the Form object

Parameter Type Description
$group_name string The name for the Form Group
Returns boolean On fail or success


Returns the entire Cp\Form object into an array compatible with the Shared Form View layer. Note that all child elements are converted to an array as well.

Parameter Type Description
Returns array The complete Shared Form View array


Returns the entire Cp\Form object as a string for use within the Control Panel.

Parameter Type Description
Returns string The Form object as a string


Sets the Shared Form View layer to set the form input’s enctype to multipart/form-data

Parameter Type Description
Returns Cp\Form $this, the Form object to help in chaining


Sets the Form to render specific Cp/Alert objects

Parameter Type Description
$alert_name string The name for the Alert
Returns Cp\Form $this, the Form object to help in chaining


Removes the specified group from the Form object

Parameter Type Description
$alert_name string The name for the Alert you want to remove
Returns boolean On fail or success


Will return the specified Form\Button object if it exists, or prepare and return a new Button object. See Buttons for more details.

Parameter Type Description
$name string The name for the Button
Returns Cp\Form\Button The Button object ready for use


Removes the specified Button from the Form object

Parameter Type Description
$name string The name for the Button you want to remove
Returns boolean On fail or success


Will return the specified Form\Fields\Hidden object if it exists, or prepare and return a new Field object.

Parameter Type Description
$name string The name for the Button
Returns Cp\Form\Fields\Hidden The Hidden Field object


Removes the specified Hidden Field from the Form object

Parameter Type Description
$name string The name for the Hidden Field you want to remove
Returns boolean On fail or success

withActionButton($text, $href, $rel = '')

Will include a custom HTML button with a link in lieu of the top right button of your form.

Parameter Type Description
$text string The value to display on your custom button
$href string What URL to send the user to
$rel string For HTML directives
Returns Cp\Form $this, the Form object to help in chaining


Will remove the set action button

Parameter Type Description
Returns Cp\Form $this, the Form object to help in chaining


Sets the string to use for the Page Title within the Control Panel

Parameter Type Description
$text string The name for the page
Returns Cp\Form $this, the Form object to help in chaining


Returns the Page title being used

Parameter Type Description
Returns null or string The value to use


Sets the string to use for the Alternative Page Title within the Control Panel (cp_page_title_alt)

Parameter Type Description
$text string The name for the page
Returns Cp\Form $this, the Form object to help in chaining


Returns the Alternative Page title being used (cp_page_title_alt)

Parameter Type Description
Returns null or string The value to use


Sets the internal Alerts ID to use specific to this Form (alerts_name)

Parameter Type Description
$text string The name for the page
Returns Cp\Form $this, the Form object to help in chaining


Returns the internal Alerts ID to use specific to this Form (alerts_name)

Parameter Type Description
Returns null or string The value to use


The URL to process the Form (base_url)

Parameter Type Description
$url string The URL the form should be processed at
Returns Cp\Form $this, the Form object to help in chaining


Returns the URL (base_url)

Parameter Type Description
Returns null or string The value to use

A Complete Example

The below includes as many examples and should copy/paste into your project

$form = ee('CP/Form');
$field_group = $form->getGroup('General Settings');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('First Name');
$field_set->getField('first_name', 'text')

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('Last Name')->withButton('Click Me');
$field_set->getField('last_name', 'text')
    ->setPlaceholder('Last Name')

$field_group = $form->getGroup('Custom Input Example');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('email');
$field_set->getField('email', 'email')
    ->setPlaceholder('Your Email Address')

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('color');
$field_set->getField('color', 'color')->setValue('#C86565');

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('number');
$field_set->getField('number', 'number')->params(['min' => 100, 'max' => 1000])->setRequired(true);

$field_group = $form->getGroup('Contact details');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('Address');
$field_set->getField('address1', 'text');
$field_set->getField('address2', 'action_button')->setText('Hello');
$field_set->getField('state', 'dropdown')->withNoResults('Nothing Here', 'fdsa', 'fdsa');

$form->withActionButton('My Action Button', '');
$button = $form->getButton('button_1');
$button->setType('submit')->setText('Submit Button')->setWorking('Submitting...');


$hidden_field = $form->getHiddenField('my_hidden_field');

$field_group = $form->getGroup('Table Example');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('My Table Data');
$table = $field_set->getField('my_table', 'table');

    'lang_cols' => true,
    'class' => 'product_channels'

    'details' => ['sort' => false],
    'value' => ['sort' => false],

$table->setNoResultsText(sprintf(lang('no_found'), lang('product_channels')));
$table->setBaseUrl( ee('CP/URL')->make($this->base_url ));
$data = [];
$data[] = [

    'No, Hello',
    'To You!',

$field_group = $form->getGroup('Filepicker Example');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('My Filepicker');
$file_picker = $field_set->getField('my_file_picker', 'file-picker');

$field_group = $form->getGroup('Grid Example');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('My Grid')->withGrid();
$grid = $field_set->getField('my_grid_field', 'grid');

    'field_name' => $grid->getName(),
    'reorder'    => true,

    'text example' => ['sort' => false],
    'select example' => ['sort' => false],
    'password example' => ['sort' => false],
    'checkbox example' => ['sort' => false],
    'textarea example' => ['sort' => false],
    'upload example' => ['sort' => false],

$options = ['foo' => 'Foo', 'bar' => 'Bar'];
$cols = [
    ['name' => 'foo-text', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => ''],
    ['name' => 'barr-select', 'type' => 'select', 'value' => '', 'choices' => $options],
    ['name' => 'foo-password', 'type' => 'password', 'value' => ''],
    ['name' => 'bar-checkbox', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 1],
    ['name' => 'foo-textarea', 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => '', 'cols' => 2, 'rows' => 5],
    ['name' => 'bar-upload', 'type' => 'file', 'value' => '', 'cols' => 2, 'rows' => 5],
    ['foo-text' => 'bar', 'barr-select' => 'foo', 'foo-password' => 'fdsa', 'bar-checkbox' => 1, 'foo-textarea' => '', 'bar-upload' => ''],
    ['foo-text' => 'fdsafdsa', 'barr-select' => 'bar', 'foo-password' => 'fdsa', 'bar-checkbox' => true, 'foo-textarea' => '', 'bar-upload' => '']

$grid->setNoResultsText(sprintf(lang('no_found'), lang('table-thing')), 'add');
$grid->setBaseUrl( ee('CP/URL')->make($this->base_url ));

$vars = $form->toArray();**