Relationships Fieldtype
Relationships are an extremely powerful tool that allow you to connect Entries in one Channel to those in another one, or even to other entries in the same channel. This ability allows you to store very complex content in your Channel entries.
This fieldtype is currently only limited to Channels.
Field Settings
Channels to Relate
Choose which channels can related content be pulled from.
Include in Selection
Allow expired or future entries in this relationships field.
Limit by Category
Choose categories to limit the entries in this relationships field.
Choose authors to limit the entries in this relationships field.
Limit By Status
Choose statuses to limit the entries in this relationships field.
Maximum Entries
Maximum number of entries to show in the relationship field. Leave blank to allow all entries. All entries are still available to the search, this is simply a display setting.
Order By
Default ordering of entries in relationship field.
Allow Multiple Relationships?
When set to yes, authors will be allowed to create multiple relationships in a single field.
Minimum selection
The minimum number of relationships that can be added to the field.
Maximum selection
The maximum number of relationships that can be added to the field.
Template Tags
The following parameters are available to all looping relationship tags, allowing you to further filter or sort the entries being retrieved. They function the same as they do when used on the {exp:channel:entries}. The available parameters are:
- author_id
- backspace
- category
- channel
- entry_id
- group_id
- offset
- orderby
- show_expired
- show_future_entries
- sort
- start_on
- status
- stop_before
- url_title
- username
Some relationship tags may have additional parameters available. These are included in the usage instructions below.
NOTE: The disable
parameter should be applied to the containing {exp:channel:entries}
call, not to the relationship tag itself.
Accessing Children
Usage: Multiple Related Entries
Given the following channel layout:
field1 Text
field2 Text
relationship_field Relationship (ChildChannel, Multiple)
field1 Text
field2 Text
You would access the child entries in your template using the following syntax:
{exp:channel:entries channel="parentChannel"}
{title} - {field1} - {field2}
The section of the template that belongs to the relationship_field
Will be looped over. It acts very similarly to a channel:entries
Usage: Single Related Entries
Given the following channel layout, where relationship_field
is limited to taking a single child entry:
field1 Text
field2 Text
relationship_field Relationship (ChildChannel, Single)
field1 Text
field2 Text
You would access the child entry in your template using the following syntax:
{exp:channel:entries channel="parentChannel"}
{title} - {field1} - {field2}
No looping occurs.
Accessing Siblings
Given the following channel layout:
field1 Text
field2 Text
relationship_field Relationship (ChildChannel, Multiple)
field1 Text
field2 Text
You can access siblings of the current entry in {exp:channel:entries}
tag using the following syntax:
{exp:channel:entries channel="childChannel"}
{siblings field="relationship_field"}
{siblings:title} - {siblings:field1} - {siblings:field2}
The {siblings}
tag does not need to be a top level tag. It may be used from a nested relationship in order to access that relationship’s siblings. The syntax is:
{exp:channel:entries channel="parentChannel"}
{relationship_field:siblings field="relationship_field"}
In addition to the standard parameters, the following parameter may be used in this tag:
There can be multiple relationship fields in a field group, thus child entries may be related to the same parent via different fields. Use the field
parameter to specify which field in the parent entry we should be pulling the siblings from. The syntax is:
{siblings field="relationship_field"}
Accessing Parents
Given the following channel layout:
field1 Text
field2 Text
relationship_field Relationship (ChildChannel, Multiple)
field1 Text
field2 Text
You can access the parents of the current entry in a channel:entries
tag using the following syntax:
{exp:channel:entries channel="childChannel"}
{parents field="relationship_field"}
{parents:title} - {parents:field1} - {parents:field2}
The {parents}
tag may be accessed through nested relationships tags using the following syntax:
{exp:channel:entries channel="parentChannel"}
{relationship_field:parents field="relationship_field"}
In addition to the standard parameters, the following parameter may be used in this tag:
There can be multiple relationship fields in a field group, and thus an entry may be selected as a child in multiple fields. Use the field
parameter to specify which field in the parent entry we should be checking for our child. The syntax is:
{parents field="relationship_field"}
Fetching Entry IDs Only
Sometimes it’s useful to get just a list of the entry IDs of related entries, to pass on to a plugin as a tag a parameter or similar. If you need to do this, you can use the single variable :entry_ids
shortcut modifier:
Outputs in the format:
Note that this is not used inside a relationships tag pair, but is a standalone variable.
For children:
For parents:
{!-- or --}
{parents:entry_ids field="relationship_field"}
The entry_ids shortcut tag has only one optional parameter:
By default the entry IDs will be pipe-delimited, but you can choose to have them delimited with something else:
{relationship_field:entry_ids delimiter=","}
Would output in the format:
Optimizing Relationships Performance
If you are heavily using relationship fields, it is recommended that you disable certain features, such as custom fields or categories on related entries, to speed up template loading. That can be done by applying disable
parameter to the exp:channel:entries
tag that includes relationship field tag (or siblings / parents tag).
The following items can be turned off:
{exp:channel:entries channel="parentChannel" disable="relationship_custom_fields|relationship_categories"}
Namespacing Variables
Any variable available to the channel entries tag can be used inside a relationship tag pair. Use prefixes to specify which entry or set of entries the variable belongs to:
{exp:channel:entries channel="childChannel"}
{if parents:count == "1"}
{parents:title} - {parents:field1} - {parents:field2}
{if parents:no_results}
No parent entries
Field Examples: Children
Checkbox and Multi Select Fields
For checkbox and multiselect single variables:
This would output a comma-separated list of the checkbox labels.
For checkbox and multiselect variable pairs:
Value: {item}<br>
Value: {item:value}<br>
Label: {item:label}<br>
Date Fields
{relationship_field:my_date format="%F %d %Y"}
Email Address Fields
{relationship_field:my_email:mailto title="Email about their dog" subject="Question about your dog" encode="no"}
File Fields
Single variable file field:
URL: {relationship_field:my_image}
A file field variable pair:
Extension: {extension}
Upload date: {upload_date format="%Y %m %d"}
URL: {url}
Custom med thumbnail url: {url:med}
File Grid Fields
A file grid field variable pair:
Extension: {extension}
Upload date: {upload_date format="%Y %m %d"}
URL: {url}
Custom med thumbnail url: {url:med}
Fluid Fields
{if content:count == 1}<h3>Grid total rows: {content:total_rows}{/if}
Date field: {content:my_grid format="%Y %m"}
Toggle: {if content:my_toggle}YES there is a toggle value!{/if}
File field pair:
Upload date: {upload_date format="%Y %m %d"}
Custom med thumbnail url: {url:med}
Grid Fields
Upload date: {upload_date format="%Y %m %d"}
URL: {url}
Some text in the grid: {relationship_field:my_grid:my_text}
Relationship Fields
<h3>Related entry's title: {relationship_field:title}</h3>
{relationship_field:my_relationship status="open"}
{if relationship_field:my_relationship:count == 1}
<h3>Relationships ({relationship_field:my_relationship:total_results})</h3>
<h3>Related entry's related entry's title: {relationship_field:my_relationship:title}</h3>
Related entry's file field, med custom image size: {relationship_field:my_relationship:my_file:med wrap="image"}
Toggle Fields
{if relationship_field:my_toggle}YES there is a toggle value!{/if}
URL Fields
<a href="{relationship_field:my_url}">Your Link</a>
Field Examples: Parents
Checkbox and Multi Select Fields
For checkbox and multiselect single variables:
{parents field="relationship_field"}
This would output a comma-separated list of the checkbox labels.
For checkbox and multiselect variable pairs:
{parents field="relationship_field"}
Value: {item}<br>
Value: {item:value}<br>
Label: {item:label}<br>
Date Fields
{parents field="relationship_field"}
{parents:my_date format="%F %d %Y"}
Email Address Fields
{parents field="relationship_field"}
{parents:my_email:mailto title="Email about their dog" subject="Question about your dog" encode="no"}
File Fields
Single variable file field:
{parents field="relationship_field"}
URL: {parents:my_image}
A file field variable pair:
{parents field="relationship_field"}
Extension: {extension}
Upload date: {upload_date format="%Y %m %d"}
URL: {url}
Custom med thumbnail url: {url:med}
File Grid Fields
A file grid field variable pair:
{parents field="relationship_field"}
Extension: {extension}
Upload date: {upload_date format="%Y %m %d"}
URL: {url}
Custom med thumbnail url: {url:med}
Fluid Fields
{parents field="relationship_field"}
{if content:count == 1}<h3>Grid total rows: {content:total_rows}{/if}
Date field: {content:my_grid format="%Y %m"}
Toggle: {if content:my_toggle}YES there is a toggle value!{/if}
File field pair:
Upload date: {upload_date format="%Y %m %d"}
Custom med thumbnail url: {url:med}
Grid Fields
{parents field="relationship_field"}
Upload date: {upload_date format="%Y %m %d"}
URL: {url}
Some text in the grid: {parents:my_grid:my_text}
Relationship Fields
{parents field="relationship_field"}
<h3>Related entry's title: {parents:title}</h3>
{parents:my_relationship status="open"}
{if parents:my_relationship:count == 1}
<h3>Relationships ({parents:my_relationship:total_results})</h3>
<h3>Related entry's related entry's title: {parents:my_relationship:title}</h3>
Related entry's file field, med custom image size: {parents:my_relationship:my_file:med wrap="image"}
Toggle Fields
{parents field="relationship_field"}
{if parents:my_toggle}YES there is a toggle value!{/if}
URL Fields
{parents field="relationship_field"}
<a href="{parents:my_url}">Your Link</a>