ExpressionEngine® User Guide

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Create Template

Control Panel Location: Developer ‣ Templates ‣ Create New Template

Permission Restrictions

  • Access settings: Design & Content
  • Template Management Allowed actions: Create New Templates
  • Template Management Allowed template groups



The name of the Template. This must be a single word with no spaces. You may use the letters a-z, the numbers 0-9, and the underscore and hyphen/dash characters. You should refrain from creating all-numeric Template names as they can cause confusion with Entry IDs used in URLs.


Here you may specify the type of Template:

  • Webpage: This is the most common type of Template. Unless you specifically need one of the other two types you should use this one.
  • CSS: This type is used for Stylesheets. It tells ExpressionEngine to serve the Template as “text/css” MIME type. Further, the Template will not be parsed for EE Tags like normal. The Template is served “as-is”.
  • RSS Page: Used for RSS and Atom syndication feeds. It tells ExpressionEngine to serve the Template as “text/xml” MIME type.
  • JavaScript: Used for outputting JavaScript code. It tells ExpressionEngine to send “text/javascript” MIME type server headers when being viewed.
  • Static: Used for static content with absolutely no ExpressionEngine rendered tags. Useful for HTML design elements embedded in other templates.
  • XML: Used for outputting XML pages with EE. It tells ExpressionEngine to send “text/xml” MIME type server headers when being viewed.

Duplicate existing template?

You may choose one of your existing Templates to duplicate its contents. The options are listed by Template_Group/Template.