Legacy Documentation
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Entry Manager¶
Control Panel Location:
In this section you can edit and update previously posted Entries. The list can be filtered by Channel, Category, Status, or Date range, and it can be sorted by ID, Title, Comments, Date, and Status. In addition, you can select multiple entries using the checkboxes on the right, then delete them.

Permission Restrictions¶
- Access settings: Design & Content
- Allowed actions: Create Entries
- Allowed actions: Edit Own Entries
- Allowed actions: Delete Own Entries
- Allowed actions: Edit Entries, By Others
- Allowed actions: Delete Entries, By Others
- Allowed channels
Search entries¶
This will search entries by title, respecting the current filters.
Create New¶
This will take you to the create form for the indicated channel.
Title links¶
This will take you to the edit form for that entry. This is identical to the Edit icon.
Comment links¶
If an entry has comments the number of comments will be a link that will take you to the Comments.
The icons in the manage column perform actions on the entry in its row.
Bulk Actions¶
The checkbox in the right-most column of the table selects a button for a bulk action. When at least one checkbox is checked the bulk action dropdown menu and submit button will be made available in the lower righthand corner of the table.