ExpressionEngine® User Guide

Legacy Documentation

You are using the documentation for version 4.3.8. Go here for the latest version.

Fieldtype Changes

Add Fieldtypes to Addon.setup.php

For ExpressionEngine 3, you should enumerate your fieldtypes in your addon.setup.php file. To start, create a new ‘fieldtypes’ array in you addon.setup.php file. For each fieldtype, list its shortname as a key and then an array of its name:

'fieldtypes' => array(
  'rte' => array(
    'name' => 'Rich Text Editor'

Define Compatibility

Changing from one field type to another can lead to unexpected results, as for example switching from a file field to a date field. On the other hand, many fieldtypes contain similar data, such as text.

If your fieldtypes stores a common datatype, you should list it in its compatibility field:

'fieldtypes' => array(
  'rte' => array(
    'name' => 'Rich Text Editor',
    'compatibility' => 'text'

Compatibility can be any string values, the commonly used ones are listed in this section of the addon.setup.php documentation.

Update Settings Format

The format for the fieldtype settings pages has been changed to the more consistent Shared Form View format. Please refer to the Fieldtype Settings documentation for an example.

Use the Validation Service in Settings

ExpressionEngine 3.0 comes with a new Validation Service. Your fieldtypes settings validation should return a result object from this service:

function validate_settings($settings)
  $validator = ee('Validation')->make(array(
      'size' => 'required|numeric'

  return $validator->validate($settings);