ExpressionEngine® 3 User Guide

Legacy Documentation

You are using the documentation for version 3.5.17. Go here for the latest version or check here for your available upgrades to the latest version.

Version Notes for 3.1.3

With 3.1.3 we made a small but significant change to forum and member themes. Starting with this version both the forum and member themes that ship with ExpressionEngine can be found in themes/ee. However, we give preference to themes found in themes/user. If you want to customize one of the themes, simply copy it from themes/ee to themes/user and make your changes.


If you have customized member templates copy them to your themes/user/member folder prior to updating to 3.1.3. If you do not put customized themes in themes/user you may lose your customizations when you update your site.

For example, if you want to modify the default member themes copy themes/ee/member/default to themes/user/member/default. Now whenever you edit a member template inside the Template Manager it will edit the corresponding file in themes/user/member/default!


If you have not customized any of the forum themes you may safely delete themes/user/forum.