ExpressionEngine® 3 User Guide

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Security Class

Calling the Security Class

class Security

This class is initialized automatically.

Cross Site Scripting Protection

For general XSS protection handling, please refer to the Cross Site Scripting section of the security guidelines.

Security::xss_clean($str[, $is_image = FALSE])

xss_clean() is the built in ExpressionEngine XSS sanitization method, which is constantly tweaked for improved security and performance:

$str = ee()->security->xss_clean($str);
  • $str (mixed) – Either a string or an array to sanitize
  • $is_image (boolean) – Set to TRUE if you want to test images for XSS attacks.

Either a string or an array of sanitized strings. If $is_image is set to TRUE, will return FALSE if the image fails the check.

Return type:


Cross Site Request Forgery Protection

For general CSRF protection handling, please refer to the Cross Site Request Forgery section of the security guidelines.

Security::restore_xid([$xid = REQUEST_XID])

Deprecated since version 2.8: CSRF Tokens are now multi-use.

By default all XIDs are single use tokens. In some cases you may want to allow reuse of the token. To do this you can call restore_xid() at any point during the request that consumed the token.


Other Class Methods

Security::sanitize_filename($str[, $relative_path = FALSE])

Removes naughty characters from filenames. Returns a sanitized string:

$filename = ee()->security->sanitize_filename($name);
  • $str (string) – Filename to sanitize
  • $relative_path (boolean) – Set to TRUE if you want to validate a filename with a relative path

Sanitized filename

Return type:



Returns a random hash:

echo ee()->security->xss_hash();
Returns:Random hash
Return type:String