
2.11.9 User Guide

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Channel Fields

All fields assigned to a Channel can be accessed using the Short Name of the field:



There are a number of field types included with ExpressionEngine, and add-ons can make even more available. Channel fields are managed in your control panel at Admin ‣ Channel Administration ‣ Channel Fields.

File Field

Single Variable Usage

In its most basic form, a File field can be used as a single tag that simply outputs the URL of the file:


If you have defined any Image Manipulations you can modify the tag with the Short Name of the manipulation. For example, if you’ve defined a “small” manipulation, the following will output the URL to that version:


Wrap Parameter

You will frequently want to link to the file in your entry. Using the wrap parameter can simplify this process:

{news_image wrap="link"}

Will render as:

<a href="">filename</a>

It can also be used to create image tags. In this case the filename will be used to create the alt parameter.

{news_image wrap="image"}

Which will output as:

<img src="" alt="filename" />

Variable Pair Usage

You can show detailed information about the file by using it as a tag pair and then referencing any of the available variables:

        This file is a {extension} and was uploaded on {upload_date format="%Y %m %d"}
        <a href="{url}">View it now</a>



The credit assigned to the file.



The description assigned to the file.



The file’s extension, if it has one.



The unique id of the file.



The full name of the file (including its extension).



The size of the file (in bytes).



The height of the image (in pixels) if applicable.



The location assigned to the file.



The automatically-detected MIME type of the file.


{modified_date format="%Y %m %d"}

The date the file was last modified. See Date Variable Formatting for more information.



The URL to the folder containing the file, including a trailing slash.



The title assigned to the file.


{upload_date format="%Y %m %d"}

The date the file was first uploaded. See Date Variable Formatting </templates/date_variable_formatting> for more information.



The full URL to the file.

If you have defined any Image Manipulations you can modify this tag with the Short Name of the manipulation. For example, if you’ve defined a “small” manipulation, the following will output the URL to that version:




The width of the image (in pixels) if applicable.

Checkbox Fields

Like file fields, checkbox fields are special in that they can be used as a single tag and as a tag pair.

    {item}<br />

Limit Parameter

This parameter limits the number of selected items output by the tag. It works for both the single variable, as well as the tag pair.

Markup Parameter

As a single tag, the multi option fields will display a comma seperated list of values. If you want an html list, you can use markup=”ul” or markup=”ol” to change the output to the equivalent html list

{poll_options markup="ul"}

Which will render as


Backspace Parameter

When used as a tag pair, the multi option fields are a looping pair. Backspacing removes characters (including spaces and line breaks) from the last iteration of the loop. For example, if you put a <br /> tag after each item you’ll have this

{poll_options backspace="7"}
    {item}<br />

Which will render as

    <li>Green</li><br />
    <li>Blue</li><br />
    <li>Orange</li><br />

You might, however, not want the <br /> tag after the final item. Simply count the number of characters (including spaces and line breaks) you want to remove and add the backspace parameter to the tag. The <br /> tag has 6 characters plus a new line character.

Multi-Select Fields

Multiselect fields are identical to Checkbox Fields in their usage.

Member Fields

All member profile fields can be accessed using the “short name” of the field


These are totally dynamic in that any profile field you create for your members will automatically be available by its “short name” as a variable.

Date Fields

Any field that is a date type can be formatted just like other dates. Simply use the name of the field at the beginning of the tag. For example, if your field is named my_date, you’ll format it like this

{my_date format="%Y %m %d"}

See Date Variable Formatting for more information.