
2.11.9 User Guide

Retired Documentation

You are using the documentation for version 2.11.9. Go here for the latest version or check here for your available upgrades to the latest version.

Forum Update Notes for Version 1.3

Version 1.3 has a number of additional templates.

If you have not customized your existing forum templates:

Simply replace your entire forum theme folder with the new set:


The update process is now complete. You can disregard the rest of the information in this page.

If you have customized your existing templates:

If you have customized the look of your forum you will need to manually add the new theme files and template features described below.

Please add the following theme files to your current installation:

  • themes/forum_themes/default/theme_atom.php
  • themes/forum_themes/default/theme_javascript.php
  • themes/forum_themes/default/theme_merge.php
  • themes/forum_themes/default/theme_rss.php
  • themes/forum_themes/default/theme_split.php

Incorporating New Features

The information below assumes you are running customized templates. If you are using the default theme there is no need to use the information below.

<body> Modification

Version 1.3 requires a small change in the <body> tag. Open your HTML Header template found in theme_global.php and change:


To this:

<body {include:body_extra}>

RSS Feeds

To show RSS links place the following code in your HTML Footer template, found in theme_global.php `` {if feeds_enabled} <a href=”{path:rss}”>{lang:rss_feed}</a> <a href=”{path:atom}”>{lang:atom_feed}</a> {/if}``

Merging and Splitting

To take advantage of the merging and splitting features open your Thread Rows template found in theme_threads.php and change this:

{if is_topic}     {if can_move}         <td><div class="button100"><div class="buttonSmall" id="{id6}" onClick="navJump('{path:move_topic}')" onMouseOver="navHover(this);" onMouseOut="navReset(this);">{lang:move}</div></div></td>     {/if} {/if}

To this:

{if is_topic}     {if can_move}         <td><div class="button100"><div class="buttonSmall" id="{id6}" onClick="navJump('{path:move_topic}')" onMouseOver="navHover(this);" onMouseOut="navReset(this);">{lang:move}</div></div></td>     {/if}     {if can_merge}         <td><div class="button100"><div class="buttonSmall" id="{id7}" onClick="navJump('{path:merge_topic}')" onMouseOver="navHover(this);" onMouseOut="navReset(this);">{lang:merge}</div></div></td>     {/if}     {if can_split}         <td><div class="button100"><div class="buttonSmall" id="{id8}" onClick="navJump('{path:split_topic}')" onMouseOver="navHover(this);" onMouseOut="navReset(this);">{lang:split}</div></div></td>     {/if} {/if}

Showing/Hiding forums on the home page

Version 1.3 allows each forum cluster on your home page to be shown/hidden by your users. It utilizes some JavaScript and a cookie to save the state of the home page. In order to add this feature open your Table Heading template found in theme_index.php and replace your existing code with this:

<div id="forum{category_id}off" style="display:none;"> <table class="tableBorder" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%;" > <tr> <td class="tableHeadingBG"><div class="tableHeading">{category_name}</div>     {if category_description}<div class="tableHeadingSmall">{category_description}</div>{/if} </td> <td class="tableHeadingBG" align="right"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="show_element('forum{category_id}')"><img src="{path:image_url}expand.gif" width="10" height="10" border="0" title="{lang:show_category}" alt="{lang:show_category}" /></a>  </td> </tr> </table> </div>  <div id="forum{category_id}on" style="display:block;"> <table class="tableBorderLeft" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width:100%;" > <tr> <td class="tableHeadingBG" colspan="4"><div class="tableHeading">{category_name}</div>     {if category_description}<div class="tableHeadingSmall">{category_description}</div>{/if} </td> <td class="tableHeadingBG" colspan="1" align="right"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hide_element('forum{category_id}')"><img src="{path:image_url}collapse.gif" width="10" height="10" border="0" title="{lang:hide_category}" alt="{lang:hide_category}" /></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tableRowHeadingBold" colspan="2">{lang:forum_name_heading}</td> <td class="tableRowHeadingBold" align="center">{lang:total_topics_heading}</td> <td class="tableRowHeadingBold" align="center">{lang:total_posts_heading}</td> <td class="tableRowHeadingBold">{lang:post_info_heading}</td> </tr>

Then, at the very bottom, before the end of the HTML in the Table Footer template, add a closing </div> tag:


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