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Cookie Consent¶
The Cookie Consent Module prevents ExpressionEngine cookies from being set unless the user has explicitly granted permission as indicated by the presence of a ‘cookies_allowed’ cookie. In the absence of such permission, any existing ExpressionEngine cookies will be automatically deleted and no further cookies set until permission is granted. In addition, member registration and member login will require cookie consent.
The module makes two means of granting consent available: a direct link that can be used anywhere and form field that can be included on login and registration pages. Removing permission to set cookies is also provided for via a link.
To access the Cookie Consent control panel, go to Cookie Consent control panel for more information.
in your Control Panel. There you will be able control settings related to control panel login and cookie clearing behavior. SeeNote
Installing this module will prevent cookies from being set by all first party ExpressionEngine code. Cookies may still be set by third party code using PHP, JavasScript, third party scripts, etc.
The Cookie Consent Module is available as a separate download on GitHub. The module
folder (which should be cookie_consent
and must be renamed to that if it’s something different) should be placed in your third_party folder (typically system/expressionengine/third_party/).
Message tag¶
This tag allows you to conditionally display messages based on whether the user has the cookies_allowed cookie set, thus indicating consent to set cookies. Typically you will show a link to grant cookie permission only to those who have not already granted consent. You may also use the module to display a link to revoke cookie consent.
{if cookies_allowed == 'yes'}
Thanks for allowing cookies!<br>
Delete cookies: {clear_ee_cookies_link}
Please allow cookies:<br>
Single Variables¶
A link to disallow cookie setting using ExpressionEngine’s native functions and clear all existing cookies for the site domain.
A link to disallow cookies and clear existing ExpressionEngine cookies. Only cookies with the cookie prefix specified in your configuration will be cleared (by default, that prefix is exp_).
Indicates whether the current user has consented to having cookies set or not. The only values are ‘yes’ or ‘no’. This variable will typically be used in a conditional.
Login and Registration Forms¶
Cookie consent is required in order to login or register. If consent has not been granted, an error message will be shown when a login or registration form is submitted. In order to provide flexibility in how you gain consent, posting a form field named ‘cookie_consent’ with a value of ‘y’ will allow the consent cookie and all subsequent cookies to be set.
<input type='checkbox' name='cookie_consent' value='y'/> <span class="alert">Allow Cookies</span>
Typically this form field will be used inside the Cookie Consent Message tag and only shown if cookie consent has not been granted. This applies to both regular ExpressionEngine templates and the Member Profile templates.
Cookie Consent and the Forum Module¶
As with other login and registration forms, a ‘cookie_consent’ field with a value of ‘y’ can be used in the forum login and registration pages to indicate consent. The Cookie Consent Message tag can be used in the forum_member/login_form.html and forum_member/registration_form.html to conditionally display the field.
You may also create a new forum theme page that may be included in other templates as needed to display cookie consent variables. To add the new page, you must create a folder called ‘forum_cookie_consent’ inside your forum theme folder. The theme page itself must be named ‘cookie_consent.html’.
The following single variables are available in this theme page:
The following conditional variables are available in this theme page:
{if cookies_allowed}{/if}
{if cookies_not_allowed}{/if}
The new template can be included in any other template using {include:cookie_consent}.
Standard ExpressionEngine Cookies¶
Basic Cookies¶
End of session. Contains the last 5 pages viewed. Typically used for form or error message returns.
1 year. Date of the user’s last visit. Can be shown as a statistic for members and used by the forum to show unread topics for both members and guests.
1 year. Records the time of the last page load. Used in conjunction with the last_visit cookie.
1 year. Indicates whether the user has given consent for cookies to be set.
Comment Module Cookies¶
1 year. Indicates that a user wants email notification of new comments to an entry.
1 year. Determines whether personal information should be stored in a cookie in order to pre-fill fields in the comment form.
1 year. The user’s name, as entered in the comment form.
1 year. The user’s URL, as entered in the comment form.
1 year. The user’s email address, as entered in the comment form.
1 year. The user’s location, as entered in the comment form.
Additional Logged In Cookies¶
26 weeks. Number of entries to show on the Content Edit page.
24 hours. Control panel user feedback messages.
End of session. MSM cookie indicating the last site accessed in the control panel.
1 year.
1 year. Determines whether the user’s username is displayed in the list of currently logged in members.
2 weeks. Determines whether a user is automatically logged in upon visiting the site.
Forum Cookies¶
1 year. The user’s chosen forum theme if changed from the default.
1 year. Read topics in the forum, used to display new topics for the user.
- Not set if using ‘sessions only’