Retired Documentation:  You are using the documentation for version 1.7.3 which was retired in 2013. Go here for the latest version documentation or check here for your available upgrades to the latest version.

Weblog Entries Tag

The Weblog Entries tag is the primary tag used to show the content you manage in your Control Panel PUBLISH and EDIT pages.  This tag has far more display options, parameters, and variables than any other tag in ExpressionEngine.  It is, in fact, the most powerful tag in the entire system since it's main function is to retrieve and display your site's content.  You will arguably use this tag more than any other.

The Weblog Entries tag can be used to display both multi-entry and single-entry content - that is, several entries on a page, or one specific one (it dynamically adjusts its output based on the URL request) .  It can also show entries from specific categories, specific days, monthly archives, permalinks, and more.  In addition to this tag, the Weblog Module has several ancillary tags that provide complimentary features.

Here is a simple example of a possible usage of this tag:

{exp:weblog:entries weblog="news" limit="15"}



<div class="date">Posted on {entry_date format="%M %d, %Y - %h:%i %A"}</div>



The Weblog Entries tag has a large number of parameters that can be used to control what the tag displays.


Inside of the tag you can use a number of variables to display different information such as entry title, date, body, etc. There are three types of variables:


The Pagination feature allows you to create "next" and "previous" links between pages of entries.

You can also span a single entry across multiple pages, like online magazines do.

Entry "Views" Tracking

The Weblog Entries tag also has a Views Tracking feature that lets you track the number of times an entry has been viewed.


The Weblog Module supports a powerful related entries feature that lets you associate one entry to another.

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