Retired Documentation:  You are using the documentation for version 1.7.3 which was retired in 2013. Go here for the latest version documentation or check here for your available upgrades to the latest version.

Weblog Entries - Conditional Variables

Conditional variables allow you to add scripting to your standard variables in order to more precisely control your content.

Note:  A more complete explanation of conditional control structures and operators can be found in the Global Conditionals page. Please refer to that section for more info.

Here is an example that tests for the "summary field" being not empty:

{if summary != ""}

The summary is not empty!


An alternate, shorthand syntax can accomplish the same thing:

{if summary}

The summary is not empty!


If only the variable name is in the conditional statement it tests for "not empty".

Available Conditionals

Many of the single variables can be used in a conditional. You may always use the short name of one of your custom entry fields in a conditional. In addition, there are several unique conditionals.

if allow_comments

{if allow_comments}

This special conditional lets you conditionally display content if the current entry is set to allow comments. This conditional will return FALSE if commenting has expired.

{if allow_comments}

({comment_total}) <a href="{comment_path='weblog/comments'}">Comments</a> •


Or you can display content if commenting is disabled:

{if allow_comments == FALSE}

if allow_trackbacks

{if allow_trackbacks}

This special conditional lets you conditionally display content if the current entry is set to allow trackbacks.

{if allow_trackbacks}

({trackback_total}) <a href="{trackback_path='weblog/trackbacks'}">Trackbacks</a> •


Or you can display content if trackbacks are disabled:

{if allow_trackbacks == FALSE}

if avatar

{if avatar}

This special conditional lets you conditionally display content if the current entry's author has an avatar image specified.

{if avatar}
<img src="{avatar_url}" width="{avatar_image_width}" height="{avatar_image_height}" alt="{author}'s avatar" />

if category_request

{if category_request}

This special conditional lets you conditionally display content if the current tag is being displayed based on a category specified in the URL. For instance, if the URL being viewed were that could trigger this conditional.

if count

{if count > 5} content {/if}

This conditional allows you to test against which number entry is being displayed. You could use this to apply different styles to the first entry or have the last 5 entries out of 10 be formatted differently.

if forum_topic

{if forum_topic}

You may use this conditional for displaying content when a forum topic has been associated with a weblog entry. That option is only available if the Discussion Forum Module is installed. It will typically be used like so:

{if forum_topic}
<a href="{path='forums/viewthread'}{forum_topic_id}">Discuss this in our forums</a>

if no_results

{if no_results}

You may use this conditional for displaying a message in the case when no entries are returned. The contents inside of the conditional will be displayed in cases where there are no results returned for the tag.

{if no_results}

<p>There are no entries available.</p>


Further, you may specify that another Template be shown in a case when there are no results. In order to do that, you must use the redirect= variable:

{if no_results}

Lastly, if you want to simply display your 404 page (with 404 headers) when no entries are returned, simply use "404" as the template name.

{if no_results}

if not_category_request

{if not_category_request}

This special conditional lets you conditionally display content if the current tag is not being displayed based on a category specified in the URL. For instance, if the URL being viewed were that would not trigger this conditional.

if not_forum_topic

{if not_forum_topic}

You may use this conditional for displaying content when no forum topic has been associated with a weblog entry. That option is only available if the Discussion Forum Module is installed. It will typically be used like so:

{if not_forum_topic}
There is no forum discussion available.

if signature_image

{if signature_image}

This special conditional lets you conditionally display content if the current entry's author has a signature image specified.

{if signature_image}
<img src="{signature_image_url}" width="{signature_image_width}" height="{signature_image_height}" alt="{author}'s signature" />

if sticky

{if sticky=='y'} content {/if}

You may test whether an entry is set to be "sticky". You may also test whether it is not "sticky".

{if sticky=='n'} content {/if}


To test for the member group being "4":

{if group_id == "4"}

This author, {author}, is in group 4


To test for 10 or more comments:

{if comment_total >= "10"}

Look out! Hot topic!!


Multiple Conditions

You can nest conditional statements in order to create more complicated restrictions.

{if summary != ""}
{if username =="fred"}

Hey Fred! Look at this summary.



{if comment_total == 0}
{if trackback_total == 0}

No one has posted yet! Come on guys!


Please remember that we use the PHP convention of double equals signs for equivalence:

{if comment_total == 10}

Doing the following is not allowed: {if comment_total = 10}

Special Conditionals

You may also, of course, use the global conditional variables to test for logged in/out status as well as other things. If you want to show something only to users who are logged in:

{if logged_in}



Or not logged in:

{if logged_out}



NOTE: Use of {if logged_in} and {if logged_out} inside a Weblog Entries tag on a cached template will not display properly. The logged in state of the user whose visit prompts the cache to be written will permanently affect the information displayed to all visitors.

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