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Conditional Global Variables

Conditional Variables are pair type variables, which allow you to conditionally show or hide information on your pages based on criteria being met. Conditional variables have the same syntax available in PHP conditionals, which normally follows this form:

{if variable comparison-operator value}

Data between the tags that gets shown if the condition is met.


A basic conditional variable will look like this:

{if username == "joe"}

<h1>Hi Joe!</h1>


Note: If you are testing against a word, you should enclose the word in single or double-quotes. If you are testing against a number, then you do not need to use quotes.

Technical Note: We use PHP to evaluate conditionals in ExpressionEngine and as such there are certain characters that we have to protect in a variable so that they are not treated as PHP code. We do this by converting those characters into HTML entities or removing the character entirely. Here is the conversion list:

For example, this means that if you are comparing a value against a variable that might have a double quote, you should have any quotes in the value converted into the entity as well. For example, if your screen name is "The Republic" you would write the conditional like so: {if screen_name == '&#34;The Republic&#34;'}

Advanced Conditionals

NOTE: Advanced Conditionals are evaluated after all EE tags are parsed. See the ExpressionEngine Knowledge Base for example usage.

More advanced conditionals can use logical operators (ex: OR, AND) to compare multiple variables to multiple values. Consider this example:

{if username == "joe" OR username == "bob"}

<h1>Hey, Guys!</h1>


Or this example:

{if username != "joe" AND username != "bob"}

<h1>Hey, Guys!</h1>


Else and Elseif

You can use two additional control structures to help tailor your results:

{if:else} {if:elseif}

These work similar to standard PHP else and elseif constructs. Here is an example:

{if username == "joe"}

<h1>Hey, Joe! Where were you Tuesday?</h1>

{if:elseif username == "bob"}

<h1>Hey, Bob! Thanks for the tickets!</h1>


<h1>Welcome to our site.</h1>


In the above example, if the currently logged in user has the username of "joe" he receives the first message. If not, EE evaluates the second conditional for the username of "bob". If the username is neither joe nor bob a default message is shown.

Note:  Don't be confused by the {if: prefix. This simply helps the EE parser identify each control structure. The information to the right of the prefix is what determines which conditional you are using.


The following comparison and logical operators are allowed within conditionals:

Comparison Operators

You can use any of the following operators to compare a variable to a value:

Note:  When comparing equality make sure to use two equal signs rather than one: ==

Logical Operators

You can use the following operators to compare multiple variables to multiple values:

Logical operators have a precedence that determines in what order the parts of a conditional are parsed. In the following advanced condtional the member_id and member_group parts of the conditional are compared first using &&, before their result is compared to the username part via OR.

{if member_id != '1' && member_group != "5" OR username == "Billy"} Hi! {/if}

So, if the member id of the site visitor is not 1 and their member group is not 5 *and* their username is Billy, they can view the data in the conditional. The Logical Operator table above lists the precedence of operators with the highest-precedence operators listed at the top of the table.

Parentheses in Conditionals

Like PHP, you can use parentheses to group parts of a conditional together to have the part of the conditional between the parentheses evaluate before being compared to the part of the conditional outside the parentheses. For example, in the code below, the two member group parts are evaluated first before their result is compared to the weblog_id part of the conditional:

{if (member_id == '1' OR member_id == '2') && weblog_id == '5'}

So, if the member id of the visitor is either 1 or 2, and they are viewing the weblog with id of 5, then they can see the contents of that conditional.

Short Conditionals

Certain conditionals exist in a shortened form in order to improve template readability. These conditionals are usually checking to see if a certain thing is true or exists:

Global Conditionals

if group_id

{if group_id == '7'}

You're an "Editor"!

You can test against the Member Group. This tests the Member Group ID number. The alternate {if member_group == '3'} version of this conditional should be used inside of {exp:weblog:entries} tags.

if logged_in

{if logged_in}

Welcome back to the site!<br />
<a href="{path='LOGOUT'}">Logout</a>


This tag pair will display content within the pair if the person viewing the page is currently a logged in member.

Note: This only tests whether or not someone is logged in. If you want to restrict a particular page based on the member group assignment you'll do that in your Template preferences in the Control Panel.

if logged_out

{if logged_out}

You aren't a member or aren't logged in.<br />
<a href="{path='member/login'}">Login</a> | <a href="{path='member/register'}">Register</a>


This tag pair will display content within the pair if the person viewing the page is not currently a logged in member.

You'll notice in the "logout" link above that a special path is used: {path="LOGOUT"}. This is a special-case path value that will automatically render the correct path for someone to log out.

if member_group

{if member_group == '7'}

You're an "Editor"!

You can test against the Member Group. This tests the Member Group ID number. This variable/conditional is identical to the group_id one available above. {member_group} will work correctly inside a {exp:weblog:entries} tag, however.

if member_id

{if member_id == '147'}

Ooh, you're really special, Frank!!

Test for the member ID of the currently logged in user.

if screen_name

{if screen_name == "Mr. Ed"}

Thanks for all your hard work on the site, Ed!

You can test against the screen name of the currently logged in user.

if total_comments

{if total_comments < 1}

What?? No one has commented on my site at all?!?!

Test against the total number of comments submitted for the entire site.

if total_entries

{if total_entries > 1000}

Yowza! This is one hot site!

Test against the total number of entries submitted for the entire site.

if segment_X

{if segment_3 == "private"}

You're seeing something private!

You can test against one of the URL Segments that are available. The conditional should be replaced with the correct segment name. e.g. if you're interested in URL Segment 3, then use {if segment_3}.

if username

{if username == "elvira"}

Hi, mom! I know it's you!

You can test against the username of the currently logged in user.

Alternative Syntax

In order to be able to use some member variables in conditionals inside a weblog entries tag, which processes its own member information, it is necessary to use an alternative syntax. All of the member variables may be used in conditionals with the addition of the prefix "logged_in_".

{exp:weblog:entries weblog="default_site"}
    {if logged_in_member_id == author_id}
        <p>You wrote this entry!</p>

A list of the available member variables that utilize this alternate syntax follows:

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