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Photo Gallery New Entry

Once you have selected a photo gallery to access (Modules > Photo Gallery) you may choose the New Entry menu option to add a new entry to the gallery.

Note that you must have correctly set up your gallery (see Preferences) and created Categories before you may add new entries.

Main Screen

The New Entry screen allows you to enter the information for the new entry for the gallery.

File Name

You may specify the file name in one of two ways:

  1. Local Computer: You may select an image from your own computer by using the "Browse" (or "Choose File" or similar, depending on your browser) button. This will open a dialog window allowing you to locate and select the file. When you submit the page, the chosen image will be uploaded to your site. ExpressionEngine will only process image files (JPG, GIF, PNG).
  2. Existing Image: You may select an existing image from your server by choosing it from the provided drop-down list.

Entry Title

The title for your gallery entry. This field is required.


You may enter a description or caption to accompany the image.

Entry Date

Here you may change the date for the entry. By default, the field will populate with the current time as of when you load the form. You may alter the date if you wish.


Select the category in which to file this gallery entry. You must select a category.


You may specify whether the gallery entry is "Open" or "Closed". Closed entries will not appear on your site but will still remain in the database. You may always change the status later by editing the entry and thus you can use the Closed status for when you are still working on an entry.

Apply Watermark

This allows you to choose whether or not to apply a watermark to the image. You can see the watermarking section for more information about setting up a watermark.

Allow Comments

You may select on a per-entry basis whether you wish to allow commenting on the entry.

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