Retired Documentation
You are using the documentation for version 2.11.9. Go here for the latest version or check here for your available upgrades to the latest version.
Update Notes for Version 2.2.0¶
SafeCracker Upgrade¶
Since SafeCracker is being integrated into the core of ExpressionEngine, there are a few steps to take when upgrading to 2.2.0 if you currently have SafeCracker installed:
- Remove system/expressionengine/third_party/safecracker/
- Remove system/expressionengine/third_party/safecracker_file/
- Copy the new system/expressionengine/third_party/safecracker_file/ into your third_party directory
Added Views¶
The following views were added:
- themes/cp_themes/default/content/files/confirm_file_delete.php
- themes/cp_themes/default/content/files/edit_image.php
- themes/cp_themes/default/content/files/index.php
- themes/cp_themes/default/content/files/rename.php
Edited Views¶
The following views were edited:
- _shared/file/browser.php
- _shared/header.php
- _shared/message.php
- _shared/right_nav.php
- admin/category_management.php
- admin/channel_edit_group_assignments.php
- admin/channel_management.php
- admin/config_pages.php
- admin/field_group_edit.php
- admin/field_group_management.php
- admin/field_management.php
- admin/status_group_edit.php
- admin/status_group_management.php
- admin/status_management.php
- account/member_preferences.php
- account/username_password.php
- content/publish.php
- content/files/edit_image.php
- content/files/index.php
- content/files/sync.php
- errors/error_general.php
Language Pack Changes¶
The following language variables were moved from admin_content_lang.php to filemanager_lang.php
- edit_file_upload_preferences
- new_file_upload_preferences
- new_file_upload_created
- file_upload_preferences
- no_upload_prefs
- please_add_upload
- create_new_upload_pref
- upload_pref_name
- new_file_upload_preferences
- server_path
- url_to_upload_dir
- allowed_types
- max_size
- max_height
- max_width
- properties
- pre_format
- post_format
- no_upload_dir_name
- no_upload_dir_path
- no_upload_dir_url
- duplicate_dir_name
- delete_upload_preference
- delete_upload_pref_confirmation
- upload_pref_deleted
- current_upload_prefs
- restrict_to_group
- restrict_notes_1
- restrict_notes_2
- restrict_notes_3
- member_group
- can_upload_files
- images_only
- all_filetypes
- file_properties
- file_pre_format
- file_post_format
Added the following language keys in cp_lang.php
'nav_files' => 'Files',
'nav_file_manager' => 'File Manager',
'nav_batch_upload' => 'Batch Upload',
'nav_sync_files' => 'Synchronize Files',
Added the following language keys in admin_content_lang.php
'exclude_from_channels_or_publish' => 'Exclude from Channel or Field Category Assignment?',
'publish' => 'Channel Assignment',
'files' => 'File Assignment',
Updated the following language keys in members_lang.php
"can_view_offline_system" => "Can view system when it is offline",
Update system/expressionengine/config/mimes.php