
2.11.9 User Guide

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Content Edit Controller Extension Hooks



This hook is executed when an entry is deleted via the control panel, prior to the entry’s deletion. It can be used to perform additional validation / actions before the entry is deleted, or to take over the deletion process.

How it’s called:

if ($this->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return;
Return type:Void

New in version 1.4.0.



This hook is executed when the edit page is loaded, and on every search that is performed on the edit page. It can be used to add additional where, where_in, and where_not_in options to the query.

How it’s called:

$_hook_wheres = $this->extensions->call('edit_entries_additional_where', $filter_data);
if ($this->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return;
  • $filter_data (array) – Current search form information

Additional where data (see below)

Return type:


Example of additional where data:

    'entry_id !=' => 5,             // where
    'entry_id' => array(1, 2, 3),   // where_in
    'channel_id !=' => array(3, 4)  // where_not_in

New in version 2.4.0.


update_multi_entries_loop($id, $data)

This hook is executed when entries are updated using the multi-entry editor. It runs once for each entry being updated, after the entry is updated, allowing additional actions to be performed for each entry.

How it’s called:

$this->extensions->call('update_multi_entries_loop', $id, $data);
if ($this->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return;
  • $entry_id (int) – Entry ID of the entry being updated
  • $data (array) – Data for the entry being updated
Return type:


New in version 2.0.



This hook is executed when entries are updated via the multi-entry editor. It runs after authorization is checked, but prior to any processing of submitted form data, allowing additional validation / actions before the entries are updated, or to take over the update process.

How it’s called:

if ($this->extensions->end_script === TRUE) return;
Return type:Void

New in version 2.0.