
2.11.9 User Guide

Retired Documentation

You are using the documentation for version 2.11.9. Go here for the latest version or check here for your available upgrades to the latest version.

Constants Reference

The ExpressionEngine core defines a variety of constants to ensure consistency in several aspects. Please be aware that some of the constants may not be defined, or have different meaning, in the context of the ExpressionEngine installer.

Path Constants

  • PATH_THIRD - Path to the system/expressionengine/third_party folder.
  • PATH_THEMES - Path to the /themes folder.
  • APPPATH - Path to the /expressionengine folder.
  • BASEPATH - Path to the system folder.
  • PATH_MOD - Path to the first party modules folder.
  • PATH_PI - Path to the first party plugins folder.
  • PATH_EXT - Path to the first party extensions folder.
  • PATH_ACC - Path to the first party accessories folder.
  • PATH_FT - Path to the first party fieldtypes folder.
  • PATH_THIRD_THEMES - Path to the third party themes folder.
  • PATH_MBR_THEMES - Path to the member themes folder.
  • PATH_CP_GBL_IMG - Path to the global image folder.
  • PATH_JAVASCRIPT - Path to the javascript folder.
  • PATH_JQUERY - Path to the jQuery folder.
  • SELF - Name of the bootstrap file
  • FCPATH - Path to the bootstrap file
  • SYSDIR - Name of the system folder

Version Constants

  • APP_NAME - Application Name
  • APP_VER - Version number
  • APP_BUILD - Build number
  • CI_VERSION - CodeIgniter version

URL Constants

  • BASE - Base URL to the control panel
  • AMP - &
  • QUERY_MARKER - Question mark if forcing query strings, blank otherwise
  • URL_THIRD_THEMES - URL to the third party theme folder

HTML Constants

  • NBS -  
  • BR - <br />
  • NL - \\n

Request Constants

  • REQ - One of: 'PAGE', 'CP', 'ACT'
  • AJAX_REQUEST - (bool) TRUE if request came from one of jQuery’s ajax functions

Filesystem Mode Constants

These constants are located in expressionengine/config/constants.php, and are user configurable to their hosts’ requirements. You should always use these constants for creating and writing to files so that you do not have to worry about which permissions to use. Listed alongside each is their default equivalency.

  • FILE_READ_MODE - Equivalent to 0644
  • FILE_WRITE_MODE - Equivalent to 0666
  • DIR_READ_MODE - Equivalent to 0755
  • DIR_WRITE_MODE - Equivalent to 0777
  • FOPEN_READ - Equivalent to rb
  • FOPEN_READ_WRITE - Equivalent to r+b
  • FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE - Equivalent to ab
  • FOPEN_READ_WRITE_CREATE - Equivalent to a+b
  • FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE_STRICT - Equivalent to xb
  • FOPEN_READ_WRITE_CREATE_STRICT - Equivalent to x+b


  • LD - Left template tag delimiter (usually {)
  • RD - Right template tag delimiter (usually })
  • DEBUG - (bool) TRUE if $debug is set to 1
  • CSRF_TOKEN - CSRF token, blank if csrf protection is disabled.
  • XID_SECURE_HASH - previous name of CSRF_TOKEN
  • MASKED_CP - (bool) TRUE if the CP is masked for this request
  • EXT - File extension (.php)
  • UTF8_ENABLED - Server has proper UTF-8 support
  • MB_ENABLED - Server has multibyte function support
  • PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH - Maximum number of characters for a password.