
2.11.9 User Guide

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ExpressionEngine Channel Entries API

Calling the Class

class Api_channel_entries

The Channel Entries class is called with the api->instantiate() function:



The API uses a Singleton pattern and does not currently support nesting of calls. Thus instantiating a new call while in the middle of a request may have unanticipated results.

Function Reference

Save Entry

Api_channel_entries::save_entry($data[, $channel_id = NULL[, $entry_id = 0[, $autosave = FALSE]]])

Saves a new or existing channel entry. The data array must contain a title and data for all required fields. If the entry date or edit date are not included in the data array, current time will be used instead.:

ee()->api_channel_entries->save_entry($data, $channel_id, $entry_id, $autosave);
  • $data (array) – Entry data to submit
  • $channel_id (int) – The channel ID for the new entry
  • $entry_id (int) – The entry ID to update
  • $autosave (boolean) – Whether the entry is being autosaved or not

Whether the new entry was successfully created or updated

Return type:


Example Usage:


$data = array(
    'title'         => 'Breaking News Story!',
    'entry_date'    => '1256953732',
    'edit_date'     => '1351653729',
    'field_id_6'    => 'Some data',
    'field_ft_6'    => 'none',
    'field_id_19'   => 'More data',
    'field_ft_19'   => 'xhtml'

ee()->api_channel_fields->setup_entry_settings($channel_id, $data);

$success = ee()->api_channel_entries->save_entry($data, $channel_id);

    if ( ! $success)
            show_error(implode('<br />', $this->api_channel_entries->errors));

See also Api_channel_fields::setup_entry_settings in the Channel Fields API.


As part of the data normalization, custom data with a value of NULL is transformed to an empty string before database insertion.


Successful submission requires a valid session exist for a user with the necessary posting privileges.

Submit New Entry

Api_channel_entries::submit_new_entry($channel_id, $data[, $autosave = FALSE])

Deprecated since version 2.6: Use Api_channel_entries::save_entry instead.

This function will create a new channel entry. The data array must contain a title and data for all required fields. If the entry date or edit date are not included in the data array, current time will be used instead.

ee()->api_channel_entries->submit_new_entry((int) $channel_id, (array) $data);
  • $channel_id (int) – The channel ID for the new entry
  • $data (array) – Entry data to submit
  • $autosave (boolean) – Whether the entry is being autosaved or not

Whether the new entry was successfully created

Return type:



As part of the data normalization, custom data with a value of NULL is transformed to an empty string before database insertion.

Update Entry

Api_channel_entries::update_entry($entry_id, $data[, $autosave = FALSE])

Deprecated since version 2.6: Use Api_channel_entries::save_entry instead.

This function will update a channel entry. The data array must contain a title and data for all required fields. If the entry date or edit date are not included in the data array, current time will be used instead.

ee()->api_channel_entries->update_entry((int) $entry_id, (array) $data);
  • $entry_id (int) – The entry ID to update
  • $data (array) – Entry data to submit
  • $autosave (boolean) – Whether the entry is being autosaved or not

Whether an entry was successfully updated

Return type:



As part of the data normalization, custom data with a value of NULL is transformed to an empty string before database insertion.

Delete Entry


This function will delete one or more entries as well as some of their related data. The data array must contain an entry id, or an array of entry ids.

ee()->api_channel_entries->delete_entry((mixed) $entry_ids);
  • $entry_ids (mixed) – Integer or array of integers containing entry_ids to delete

Whether an entry was successfully deleted

Return type:


Entry Exists


This function checks if an entry with a given id exists.

ee()->api_channel_entries->entry_exists((int) $entry_id);
  • $entry_id (int) – Entry ID to be verified

Whether an entry exists

Return type:


Send Pings

Api_channel_entries::send_pings($ping_servers, $channel_id, $entry_id[, $send_now = TRUE])

Deprecated since version 2.7.

This function sends pings to a list of ping servers. The submit_new_entry() and update_entry() functions will automatically send pings if given ping_servers in their data array. $ping_servers should be a list of ping server ids from the exp_ping_servers database table:

ee()->api_channel_entries->send_pings((array) $ping_servers, (int) $channel_id, (int) $entry_id);
  • $ping_servers (array) – Array of IDs of ping servers in the database
  • $channel_id (int) – ID of the channel that contains the $entry_id
  • $entry_id (int) – ID of the entry you want to send pings for
  • $send_now (boolean) – Set to FALSE to prevent pings from being sent

Whether pings were sent

Return type:


Update Relationship Cache

This function updates the relationship cache table. You should only need to use this function if you are manually changing relationship data, submit_new_entry() and update_entry() will automatically recompile relationship data:

ee()->api_channel_entries->update_related_cache((int) $entry_id);