
2.11.9 User Guide

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Synchronize Files

Control Panel Location: Content ‣ Files ‣ File Upload Preferences ‣ Synchronize Files

The Synchronize Files page allows you to synchronize the file records in the database with the files stored in a given upload directory. When submitted, all allowed file types in the directory will be checked against the file records in the database. If there is no record in the database, one will be added. For images, any additional sizes will be generated and watermarked according to the file upload preferences for that directory. Lastly, any records in the database that do not have a corresponding file in the main directory will be deleted from the database along with any existing resized images. Existing images may also be set to regenerate resized images from this page.

Synchronization Options

File Synchronization Overview

An overview of the directory and the directory settings will be shown on the synchronization page. This includes the total number of files to be cycled through and they type of files that will be included (all files versus images only).

If there are any resize types for the directory, they will be shown in a separate table.

Regenerate Existing Images

By default, synchronization will only generate thumbnails for missing images. Checking a resize option overrides that default behavior, and new thumbnails for any of the selected options will be recreated based on the current file upload preferences, replacing any existing thumbnails. This is useful if the settings for image dimensions and/or watermarks have changed and you would like the existing thumbnails replaced.