
2.11.9 User Guide

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Word Censoring

Control Panel Location: Admin ‣ Security and Privacy ‣ Word Censoring

This section of the Control Panel allows you to enable word censoring. It is also where you define the list of censored words.

Enable Word Censoring?

You may enable or disable word censoring. If you select “Yes”, the system will replace any specified words in channel entries, comments, forum posts, etc. according to your preference below.

Censoring Replacement Word

You may optionally specify a word or phrase to be used when replacing censored words. For example, if you set “tisk tisk” as your replacement word, and “shucks” is in your censored list, then anytime “shucks” is used it will be replaced with “tisk tisk”. If you do not set this preference, a pound symbol will be used for each character that is censored, so “shucks” would be converted to “######”.

Censored Words

Specify a list of words to censor. Wildcards are allowed. For example, test* would censor the words “test”, “testing”, and “tester”, while *gress would censor the words “progress” and “congress”.