
2.11.9 User Guide

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Global Channel Preferences

Control Panel Location: Admin ‣ Channel Administration ‣ Global Channel Preferences

This section of the Control Panel sets global preferences for your channels. The following preferences are available:

Category URL Indicator

If you turn on the preceding preference, you must designate a special “indicator” word, which will be used in the URL whenever a category is intended. For example, URLs that indicate a category normally use the ID number like this by default:

If you instead specify that the category URL title should be used, the URL will look like this:

In this example, the indicator is “category” and the category URL title is “blogging”.

The “indicator” word that you choose will become a ‘reserved’ word, which means that it cannot be used for Template Group or Template names.

Auto-Assign Category Parents

Set whether to assign an entry to both the selected category and its parent category.

Clear all caches when new entries are posted?

You can determine whether your caches will be cleared when you post an entry. If set to “no”, the new entry will not appear on your site until any cache expires.

Cache Dynamic Channel Queries?

This feature will improve the speed at which your channel pages load by caching queries that are normally executed dynamically.


Enable this preference only if you do not use the “future entries” or “expiring entries” feature.

Word Separator for URL Titles

When creating an entry in the PUBLISH page, if you do not manually enter a “URL Title” then the system will automatically create one based on the entry Title. This preference determines whether underscore characters (_) or dashes (-) should be used when automatically creating the URL Title.