
2.11.9 User Guide

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Create a New Category Group

Control Panel Location: Admin ‣ Channel Administration ‣ Categories ‣ Create a New Category Group

This page permits you to create a new category group. The name must be unique, but spaces are allowed.

Create a New Category Group

Name of category group

The name of the category group, used throughout the control panel.

Category field HTML formatting

This setting determines how raw HTML code within custom category fields is handled. There are three options:

  1. Convert HTML into character entities: This will convert the HTML tags so that they will display as plain text on a page when viewed. This would be useful if you want to display example code often.
  2. Allow only safe HTML: This will allow “safe” HTML (<b>, <i>, <u>, <em>, <strike>, <strong>, <pre>, <code>, <blockquote>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>) to be kept so that they are interpreted by the browser when the entry is viewed. All other HTML is converted to character entities and the raw code will be seen upon viewing.
  3. Allow ALL HTML: This leaves the HTML code as written and the code will then be interpreted by the browser when the entry is viewed.

Can Edit Categories

Member groups who have “Can Edit Categories” privileges will be displayed in this list. You can select or deselect from these member groups to selectively allow or disallow access to editing categories within this group.

Can Delete Categories

Member groups who have “Can Delete Categories” privileges will be displayed in this list. You can select or deselect from these member groups to selectively allow or disallow access to deleting categories within this group.

Exclude from Channel or Field Category Assignment

If you choose an option from this drop down list, you can pick one item to to keep a particular member group from being able to assign channel or upload preferences.