Retired Documentation: You are using the documentation for version 1.7.3 which was retired in 2013. Go here for the latest version documentation or check here for your available upgrades to the latest version.
Receiving Pings
You must perform several steps before you can start receiving pings:
- Install the module in the Modules section of your ExpressionEngine Control Panel.
- Go into the Module's Control Panel, located at Modules > Updated Sites, and edit the Default configuration.
- In the configuration there is a field called Sites Allowed to Ping, which allows you to specify a list of URLs that your site will accept pings from. You need only include part of the URL of the site pinging you, so if you want to accept pings from all weblogs at, you can simply enter '' into this field.
- After saving your configuration, you will see a URL in the module's main menu. This is the Ping URL for this configuration. Give this URL to people you will allow pings from. They will put this URL into their Ping Server preferences for their software. If they are using ExpressionEngine they can add your ping URL to their My Account > Ping Servers page.
Note: You can have multiple configurations if you want to allow different groups to ping your site.
Pruning Pings
In your ping configuration you'll find a preference for the maximum number of pings to save. This allows the pings stored to be pruned every so often to keep database size down.
Editing Pings
In the list of configuration in the module's CP there will be a link called View Pings. Click on this link to see the pings stored for this configuration. You can see the information received from this ping and when the ping was received. You may also deleted any unwanted pings.