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Simple Commerce – Purchase Tag Variables
There are a number of variables that you can use inside the {exp:simple_commerce:purchase} tag, as follows.
Item Details
The store item's id.
The descriptive name of the item.
Whether or not the store item is enabled (y/n). This can be useful if you use custom queries to access information about your store items. If the item is not enabled ("n"), the {exp:simple_commerce:purchase} tag will not output information for that item.
The number of times the item has been purchased.
The item's regular price.
The item's sale price.
Whether or not the item is on sale (y/n). Useful in conditionals and custom queries. If the item is marked as on sale, the PayPal purchase links will automatically use the sale price.
Purchase Links
<a href="{add_to_cart_url}" onclick=";return false;">Add to Cart</a>
The PayPal URL to add the item to the PayPal shopping cart. The example shown is a typical usage as a popup link.
<a href="{buy_now_url}" onclick=";return false;">Buy Now</a>
The "Buy Now" PayPal URL. The example shown is a typical usage as a popup link.
<a href="{view_cart_url}" onclick=";return false;">View Cart</a>
The PayPal URL to view the contents of the shopping cart. The example shown is a typical usage as a popup link.
Purchase Buttons
Purchase buttons are variable pairs, and enclose the text used for the button label.
{add_to_cart_button}Add to Cart{/add_to_cart_button}
A button that adds the item to the PayPal shopping cart.
{buy_now_button}Buy Now{/buy_now_button}
A "Buy Now" PayPal button.
{view_cart_button}View Cart{/view_cart_button}
A button to view the contents of the shopping cart.