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Simple Commerce – Purchase Tag Parameters
There are a few parameters that you can use with the Simple Commerce Purchase tag.
- cancel="store/cancel"
- country_code="DE"
- currency="USD"
- decimal=","
- entry_id="{entry_id}" (required)
- show_disabled="yes"
- success="store/thank_you" (required)
You may specify a particular Template to display if a purchase is cancelled mid-transaction. This takes a standard "Template_Group/Template" as input, or you may provide a full URL, e.g. If this parameter is not supplied, your site's main index template will be displayed.
This parameter controls the language that will be used on the initial PayPal shopping cart / log in screen when someone makes a purchase from your store. Use the two letter country abbreviation, following the ISO 3166 standard. If no parameter is given, a default of 'US' will be used.
The three letter representation of the currency for the item prices in the store, using the ISO 4217 standard. Default is "USD" (U.S. Dollars). For other currencies, please refer to official ISO 4217 lising.
Change the decimal separator for display. For example, instead of display 3.95, you can have the price outputted as 3,95.
REQUIRED. As the Simple Commerce Purchase tag is designed to be used inside a Weblog Entries tag, the {entry_id} variable of the Weblog Entries tag will normally be used to provide the value. You may also use a specific entry id to display an item's information outside of a Weblog Entries tag.
Allows the Simple Commerce Purchase tag to output information for store items that are not enabled. This can be used in conjunction with an item_enabled conditional to display information for enabled / disabled items. e.g.:
{if item_enabled == 'n'}
<p><a href="{buy_now_url}" onclick=";return false;">Buy Now</a></p>
<p><a href="{add_to_cart_url}" onclick=";return false;">Add to Cart</a></p>
<p><a href="{view_cart_url}" onclick=";return false;">View Cart</a></p>
REQUIRED. You must specify a particular Template to display after a successful purchase transaction. This takes a standard "Template_Group/Template" as input, or you may provide a full URL, e.g.