Retired Documentation:  You are using the documentation for version 1.7.3 which was retired in 2013. Go here for the latest version documentation or check here for your available upgrades to the latest version.

Managing Page Content

Pages Management

You can manage your Pages and Pages module configuration by going to the Modules area, and then clicking Pages.

Here you can create, edit, view, and delete your Pages, as well as access the Pages Module Configuration

NOTE: It is not necessary to give content authors access to the Modules section of the site to create and manage pages. Pages are merely weblog entries assigned to a specific URL in the Pages tab of the Publish area, so regular permissions to create and edit weblog entries is sufficient for a content author to manage page content.

Create New Page

Clicking this link will take you to the Publish area of the control panel. If you have specified a default weblog in the Pages Module Configuration, that weblog will be used, otherwise you will be presented with a choice of which weblog to publish to.

Details on publishing entries as "pages" is outlined in the documentation for publishing an entry.


This shows you the URI of the pages you have created for your site. Clicking on the URL takes you to the Publish area to edit your page.

View Page

Clicking these links takes you to the front end of your site, at the URI ascribed to the given Page.


You can select and delete Pages here. Note that you can also do this in the normal Edit area of the control panel.

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