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Member-Related Links
This page describes how to create links that point to the various member-related pages, enabling your visitors to sign-up for a membership account, log-in, log-out, edit their profile, etc.
Log In
This link points to the personal profile login page. To create the link, use this variable:
Place the variable inside of a link tag:
<a href="{path='member/login'}">Log In</a>
Log Out
This link allows users to log-out of the system. To create the link, use this variable:
Place the variable inside of a link tag:
<a href="{path='logout'}">Log Out</a>
Registration Page
This link points to the member registration page. To create the link, use this variable:
Place the variable inside of a link tag:
<a href="{path='member/register'}">Register as a new member</a>
View Memberlist
This link points to the page showing a list of all registered members. To create the link, use this variable:
Place the variable inside of a link tag:
<a href="{path='member/memberlist'}">View the Memberlist</a>
Member Profile Page
This link points to the personal profile page of the logged-in user, allowing them to edit any of their settings. To create the link, use this variable:
Place the variable inside of a link tag:
<a href="{path='member/profile'}">Edit your profile</a>
When the link is rendered it will appear similar to:
Forgotten Password?
This link points to the page where users can retrieve their password:
Place the variable inside of a link tag:
<a href="{path='member/forgot_password'}">Forget your password?</a>
Member Navigation
A good strategy for the above links is to use them within conditional tags that let you present links based on whether someone is logged in or not. Here's an example:
{if logged_in}
<a href="{path='member/profile'}">Edit your profile</a>
<a href="{path='member/memberlist'}">View the Memberlist</a>
<a href="{path='logout'}">Log Out</a>
{if logged_out}
Are you a member? If so, please <a href="{path='member/login'}">log-in</a>.
Not a member? Please <a href="{path='member/register'}">register</a>.
Have you <a href="{path='member/forgot'}">forgotten your password</a>?