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Photo Gallery Entry Linking

The Next and Previous Entry Links allow you to automatically generate links to the next or previous entry. They are used when displaying a single entry to provide navigation to other entries.

These tags work as tag pairs and will cycle through all images in the gallery.

{exp:gallery:next_entry gallery="vacation"}

<p>Next entry: <a href="{path='gallery/comments'}">{title}</a></p>

{exp:gallery:prev_entry gallery="vacation"}

<p>Previous entry: <a href="{path='gallery/comments'}">{title}</a></p>


These tags must go on a page designed to show a single entry, such as a comments page. By default, the tags cycle through the current entry's category, but this can be changed with the show_all="" parameter.

The contents of these tags will only appear in a Template if you are viewing a "single-entry" type page (comments, permalink, etc.). The tag contents will not appear for viewers in other cases.




This parameter is required. You can restrict the cycle to a specific gallery.



By default, the next and previous link tags are restricted to the current entry's category. By using this parameter you can make it rotate through all of the categories.



You can determine whether you wish for entries dated in the "future" to be included. This option is useful when doing things like creating a list of events, some of which have not occurred yet.



You may restrict entries that are assigned to a particular status. You can choose multiple statuses using a pipe:


Or exclude statuses using "not"

status="not closed"




The path (template_group/template) where you want to show the entry. This is typically used within a standard HTML link tag:

<a href="{path='gallery/comments'}">{title}</a>



This variable simply displays the title of the entry.

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