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Photo Gallery Module Installation and Configuration

Installing the Gallery Module

The Photo Gallery comes bundled with ExpressionEngine and ready to be installed. In your Control Panel, click the Modules tab. On the right side of the table, click the Install link corresponding to the Photo Gallery Module. This will install the necessary components for the gallery.

Configuring Your Gallery

When you access your Photo Gallery control panel for the first time (via the Modules page) you will be prompted to configure your gallery preferences with the following three steps:

Step 1: Create a Folder for your Images

Using your FTP program, create a folder on your server for your images. A good location is within your main "images" folder, but feel free to put it wherever you want.  Once you have created the folder you must set its file permissions to 777 so that the Photo Gallery program will be allowed to put images into it.

Note: You will need to determine the full server path to your new image folder so that it can be saved in your gallery preferences. If you are not sure how to determine the full server path please contact your hosting provider and ask them.

Step 2: Choose a Name for your Templates

During configuration, the Photo Gallery script will add a set of default templates. You'll be asked to choose a name for your templates

Step 3: Configure your Preferences

Although the Photo Gallery supports dozens of preferences you only need to initially update the following six items:

  1. Photo Gallery Name  Choose a name for your gallery.
  2. Photo Gallery Short Name  Choose a single word (no spaces). This "short name" is used to reference your gallery in the various ExpressionEngine Tags in your gallery templates.
  3. Photo Gallery URL  The full URL to your gallery.
  4. Image Folder Name  The name of the folder you uploaded in step 1.
  5. Server Path to Image Folder  The full server path to the folder, as indicated in step 1.
  6. URL to Image Folder  The URL to your image folder, in this format:

Once you have updated the above items, click the submit button at the bottom of the page.

Step 4: Add Categories

Before you can add photos to your gallery you must create at least one category so your photos can be assigned to it.

Click the Categories tab at the top of the gallery module to add a new category. Repeat this process for each category you would like to create.

You are now ready to begin adding content!

You may now click the New Entry tab to add photos to your Photo Gallery!

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