Retired Documentation: You are using the documentation for version 1.7.3 which was retired in 2013. Go here for the latest version documentation or check here for your available upgrades to the latest version.
Upgrading from the 30-day Demo to Full Version
This page contains instructions for updating from the 30 Day Hosted Demo to the full version of ExpressionEngine.
Step 1
Please Contact Sales (select "Demo backup" in the drop down) to obtain a backup copy of your database. Make sure to include the URL to your hosted trial site to help expedite the process.
Step 2
Install ExpressionEngine on your new server as normal.
Step 3
Restore the database you backed up in step 1 to your new server, replacing the database tables that were created when you installed ExpressionEngine in step 2.
Step 4
The final step is to update some of your preferences that were previously pointing to your Hosted Trial account. They should now point to your new server. You can find the preferences with the paths in:
- Admin > Captcha Preferences
- Admin > Emoticon Preferences
- Admin > File Upload Preferences
- Admin > General Configuration
- Admin > Global Weblog Preferences
- Admin > Weblog Management
- My Account > Quick Links