Retired Documentation:  You are using the documentation for version 1.7.3 which was retired in 2013. Go here for the latest version documentation or check here for your available upgrades to the latest version.

Template Preferences

The Template Preferences page allows you to edit the preferences for all the Templates in a particular Group.

Mass Template Preferences screen

Template Name

Template names may only contain alpha-numberic characters and no spaces. Since template names are typically used as part of a URL they must follow the standard URL naming rules.  Note: The "index" template can not be renamed. Each template group must have an index template.


This option allows you to specify the type of Template. Doing so will enable ExpressionEngine to send the correct server headers and appropriately tailor the output processing.

Enable Caching

This determines whether or not Template Caching is enabled for the Template. This is used together with the following preference.

Refresh Interval

If the previous preference is enabled, then this specifies how long (in minutes) the Template cache should active. The next time the Template is requested after the time interval has expired, a new cache will be created.

Allow PHP?

Here you specify whether or not the Template will parse PHP expressions. If the preference is set to "no", then any PHP in the Template will be output as plain text.

PHP Parsing Stage

If the previous preference is enabled, this sets whether PHP is parsed on "input" or "output" in the Template. See Using PHP in Templates for more information.

Note:  For security reasons, PHP parsing is disabled in the Hosted trial versions of ExpressionEngine. The full, purchased version of EE has this feature enabled.

Hit Counter

If you wish to manually revise the hit counter for a Template you may do so.

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