|============================= | messages_lang.php |============================= 'forward_from' => 'From: ', 'forward_date' => 'Date: ', 'forward_subject' => 'Subject: ', 'forward_header' => '---- Forwarded message ----', |============================= | members_lang.php |============================= 'is_field_cp_reg' => "Is field visible in the control panel's administrative registration page?", |============================= | admin_lang.php |============================= Removed: "allow_multi_emails" |============================= | tools_lang.php |============================= Removed: allow_multi_emails |============================= | myaccount_lang.php |============================= 'sidebar_updated' => 'Sidebar State Updated', |============================= | content_lang.php |============================= 'view_filtered' => 'Return to Filtered Entries', 'menu_publish' => 'Publish', 'menu_date' => 'Date', 'menu_pings' => 'Pings', 'menu_pages' => 'Pages', 'menu_options' => 'Options', 'menu_categories' => 'Categories', 'menu_forum' => 'Forums', |============================= | expressionengine_info_lang.php |============================= 'running_current' => 'You are running the latest version of ExpressionEngine: Version %v Build %b', 'version_update_available' => 'A newer version of ExpressionEngine is available!', 'version_update_inst' => 'Please download the latest version here and follow the Version Update Instructions.', 'build_update_available' => 'A newer build of ExpressionEngine is available!', 'build_update_inst' => 'Please download the latest build here and follow the Build Update Instructions.', 'current_version' => 'Latest version: %v Build %b', 'installed_version' => 'Installed version: %v Build %b', 'error_getting_version' => 'This ExpressionEngine installation is using Version %v Build %b. Unable to retrieve the most current version available at this time', |============================= | email_lang.php |============================= 'email_must_be_array' => "The email validation method must be passed an array.", 'email_invalid_address' => "Invalid email address: %s", 'email_attachment_missing' => "Unable to locate the following email attachment: %s", 'email_attachment_unreadable' => "Unable to open this attachment: %s", 'email_no_recipients' => "You must include recipients: To, Cc, or Bcc", 'email_send_failure_phpmail' => "Unable to send email using PHP mail(). Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.", 'email_send_failure_sendmail' => "Unable to send email using PHP Sendmail. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.", 'email_send_failure_smtp' => "Unable to send email using PHP SMTP. Your server might not be configured to send mail using this method.", 'email_sent' => "Your message has been successfully sent using the following protocol: %s", 'email_no_socket' => "Unable to open a socket to Sendmail. Please check settings.", 'email_no_hostname' => "You did not specify a SMTP hostname.", 'email_smtp_error' => "The following SMTP error was encountered: %s", 'email_no_smtp_unpw' => "Error: You must assign a SMTP username and password.", 'email_failed_smtp_login' => "Failed to send AUTH LOGIN command. Error: %s", 'email_smtp_auth_un' => "Failed to authenticate username. Error: %s", 'email_smtp_auth_pw' => "Failed to authenticate password. Error: %s", 'email_smtp_data_failure' => "Unable to send data: %s", 'email_exit_status' => "Exit status code: %s", |============================= | ip_to_nation_lang.php |============================= 'last_update' => 'Last update: ', 'ip_db_updated' => 'IP Database Update Successful', 'ip_db_failed' => 'Disallowed characters in Import File',