|============================= | lang.admin.php |============================= 'sql_query_debug' => 'Enable MySQL Error Output', |============================= | lang.communicate.php |============================= 'plaintext_alt' => "Plain Text Alternative (optional, HTML emails only, no text formatting applied)", "mail_format" => "Email Formatting", * Note that the above are changes to an existing language variable, not a new variable * New variables for lang.communicate.php are listed below 'text_formatting' => 'Text Formatting', 'none' => 'None', 'auto_br' => 'Auto <br />', |============================= | lang.members.php |============================= "include_in_authorlist" => "Include Members in PUBLISH page multi-author list?", |============================= | lang.messages.php |============================= 'overflow_recipients' => "The inboxes for the following members are currently full, and to send this message you must remove them from your Recipients or CC fields: %overflow_names%", |============================= | lang.pages.php |============================= 'pages_delete_question' => "Are you sure you want to delete the selected Page URI(s)?
Note: Deleting a Page only deletes the URL. It does not delete the entry.", * Note that the above is a change to an existing language variable, not a new variable * New variables for lang.pages.php are listed below 'pages_display_on_homepage' => "Display of URIs on Module Homepage", 'nested' => "Nested", 'not_nested' => "Not Nested", |============================= | lang.publish.php |============================= 'live_look' => 'Live Look', 'show_all' => "Show All", |============================= | lang.publish_ad.php |============================= 'live_look_template' => 'Live Look Template', 'no_live_look_template' => '- No Live Look Template -', 'show_show_all_cluster' => "Display 'Show All' Tab",