|============================= | email_data.php |============================= NOTE: Variable change in admin_notify_forum_post() Change: {name} just submitted a new post in {forum_name} To: {name_of_poster} just submitted a new post in {forum_name} |============================= | lang.core.php |============================= "no" => "No", "yes" => "Yes", "error_tag_module_processing" => "The following tag cannot be processed:", "error_fix_module_processing" => "Please check that the '%x' module is installed and that '%y' is an available method of the module", |============================= | lang.cp.php |============================= 'edit_quicklinks' => "Edit QuickLinks", |============================= | lang.home.php |============================= 'pmachine_news_feed' => 'pMachine News Feed', 'no_news' => "No News Available", 'more_news' => "More News...", |============================= | lang.members.php |============================= "new_member_search" => "New Member Search", |============================= | lang.messages.php |============================= 'delete_bulletin' => "Delete Bulletin", 'delete_bulletin_popup' => "Are you sure you want to delete this bulletin?", 'bulletin_deleted' => "Bulletin Deleted", 'messsage_already_sent' => "Your Message Has Already Been Sent", |============================= | lang.myaccount.php |============================= 'pmachine_news_feed' => 'pMachine News Feed', |============================= | lang.publish.php |============================= 'choose_entry_for_comment_move' => "Choose Entry for Comment Move", 'move_comments_to_entry' => "Move Comments to Entry", 'move_selected' => "Move Selected", 'choose_only_one_entry' => "You Must Choose Only One Entry", |============================= | lang.wiki.php |============================= 'no_search_terms' => 'You must include search terms when searching namespaces.',