|============================= | email_data.php |============================= /* ------------------------------------- // OFFLINE SYSTEM PAGE /* -------------------------------------*/ function offline_template() { return << System Offline

System Offline

This site is currently offline

EOF; } /* END */ /* ------------------------------------- // User Messages Template /* -------------------------------------*/ function message_template() { return << {title} {meta_refresh}




EOF; } /* END */ /* ------------------------------------- // Mailing List Template /* -------------------------------------*/ function mailinglist_template() { return <<{unsubscribe_url}{/if} {if plain_email}{unsubscribe_url}{/if} EOF; } /* END */ |============================= | lang.admin.php |============================= "query" => "SQL Query", "total_results" => "Total Results: %x", "total_affected_rows" => "Total Affected Rows: ", 'sites_tab_behavior' => "Sites Tab Behavior", "is_site_on" => "Is site on?", "is_site_on_explanation" => "If site is off, only Super Admins will be able to see this site", 'theme_folder_path' => "Theme Folder Path", 'site_preferences' => "Site Preferences", 'multiple_sites_enabled' => "Enable Multiple Site Manager", |============================= | lang.communicate.php |============================= 'plaintext_alt' => "Plain Text Alternative (optional, HTML emails only)", |============================= | lang.cp.php |============================= 'sites' => "Sites", 'edit_sites' => "Edit Sites", 'edit_weblogs' => "Edit Weblogs", 'site_id' => "Site ID", 'site' => "Site", 'site_specific_data' => "This data is site specific. If you wish to select or change data for another site, then use the 'Sites' menu tab to switch to that site.", |============================= | lang.forum.php |============================= 'moved_reply_action' => 'moved', "move_reply" => "Move Reply", "move_reply_url" => "URL of Target Topic", "move_reply_url_info" => "Please specify the URL or topic ID of the thread that you wish to move this reply to", 'notify_reply_owner' => 'Send notification email of this moderation action to the author of the reply', "reply_made_by" => "Reply made by", "move_reply_requires_id" => "You must specify a valid topic ID in order to move a reply.", 'found_in' => 'Keywords found in the following replies:', 'found_in_many' => 'Keywords found in many replies', 'search_thread' => 'Search this thread', 'reply_info_heading' => 'Reply Info', 'replies_in_topic' => 'Replies In Topic:', 'view_reply' => 'View Reply', "confirm_subscription_removal" => "Confirm Subscription Removal", "remove_subscription_question" => "Are you sure you want to remove your subscription to the following thread?", "subscription_confirmation_link" => "Click here to confirm", 'forum_boards' => "Forum Boards", 'forums' => "Forums", 'choose_forum_board' => "Choose Forum Board", |============================= | lang.forum_cp.php |============================= "pref_use_http_auth" => "Enable HTTP Authentication for RSS Feeds", 'pref_text_formatting' => 'Text Formatting in Posts', "forum_prefs_formatting" => "Text and HTML Formatting", 'auto_br' => "Auto <br />", "pref_notify_emails_topics" => "Email Address of Topic Notification Recipient(s)", "pref_notify_emails_topics_more" => "If you would like someone notified when there are new TOPICS in this forum enter their email address. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.", "pref_notify_emails_forums" => "If you would like someone notified when there are new REPLIES in this forum enter their email address. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.", "pref_notify_emails_all" => "If you would like someone notified when there are new REPLIES in ANY forums enter their email address. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.", "pref_notify_emails_topics_all" => "If you would like someone notified when there are new TOPICS in ANY forums enter their email address. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.", "forum_quick_search_form" => "Forum Quick Search Form", 'reply_results' => 'Reply Results', 'search_thread_page' => 'Search Thread Page', 'thread_result_rows' => 'Thread Result Rows', 'thread_search_results' => 'Thread Search Results', "theme_move_reply" => "Move Reply Templates", "move_reply_page" => "Move Reply Page", "move_reply_confirmation" => "Move Reply Confirmation", 'board_label' => "Forum Board Label", 'board_name' => "Forum Board Short Name", "forum_board_prefs" => "Forum Board Preferences", "new_forum_board_prefs" => "New Forum Board Preferences", "board_enabled" => "Enable Forum Board", "single_word_no_spaces" => "single word, no spaces", 'forum_name_unavailable' => "Forum Board Short Name Unavailable", 'forum_board_home' => "Forum Board Home", 'edit_forum_boards' => "Edit Forum Boards", 'board_id' => "Board ID", 'forum_board_enabled' => "Enabled?", 'edit_forum_board' => "Edit Board", 'add_forum_board' => "Add a new Forum Board?", 'delete_board_confirmation' => "Delete Forum Board Confirmation", 'delete_board_confirmation_message' => "Are you sure you wish to delete this Forum Board?", 'board_deleted' => "Forum Board Deleted", 'board_site_id' => "Site for Forum", 'forum_trigger_taken' => "Your Forum Trigger Word Is Already Taken for This Site", 'board_alias_label' => "Forum Board Alias Label", 'board_alias_name' => "Forum Board Alias Short Name", 'edit_alias' => "Edit Alias", 'add_forum_board_alias' => "Add a new Forum Board alias?", 'board_alias_id' => "Forum Board Being Aliased", "forum_board_alias_prefs" => "Forum Board Alias Preferences", "new_forum_board_alias_prefs" => "New Forum Board Alias Preferences", 'no_forums_for_forum_board' => "There are no forums for this Forum Board", |============================= | lang.gallery.php |============================= 'search_in_gallery' => "Search in Gallery", 'any_gallery' => "Any Gallery", 'gallery_field_searchable' => "Field Searchable", |============================= | lang.home.php |============================= "site_status" => "Site Status", 'pmachine_news_feed' => 'EllisLab News Feed', |============================= | lang.members.php |============================= 'can_access_site' => "Can Access Site", 'include_in_mailinglists' => "Allow Members in Site's Mailing Lists and Related Abilities? (i.e. Group Available in Communicate section)", |============================= | lang.messages.php |============================= 'unlimited_messages' => "Unlimited", |============================= | lang.mt_import.php |============================= 'field_for_extra_field' => "Field for", |============================= | lang.myaccount.php |============================= 'pmachine_news_feed' => 'EllisLab News Feed', |============================= | lang.pages.php |============================= -- Entirely New File -- |============================= | lang.publish.php |============================= 'upload_file' => 'Upload File', 'no_weblogs' => "You have no weblogs assigned to you for this site.", "entry_title_with_title" => "Entry title: '%title'", 'invalid_author' => "The selected author is invalid.", |============================= | lang.publish_ad.php |============================= "duplicate_weblog_prefs" => "Duplicate existing weblog's preferences", "do_not_duplicate" => 'Do Not Duplicate', "trackback_use_url_title" => "Use URL Titles in entry identifier URLs?", "trackback_use_url_title_exp" => "Selecting 'No' will use entry IDs in entry identifier URLs", 'category_url_title' => 'Category URL Title', 'cat_url_title_is_numeric' => 'Numbers cannot be used as Category URL Titles', 'unable_to_create_cat_url_title' => 'Unable to create valid Category URL Title for your Category', 'duplicate_cat_url_title' => 'A Category with the submitted Category URL Title already exists in this Category Group', "custom_category_fields" => "Custom Category Fields", 'manage_custom_fields' => 'Manage Custom Fields', 'delete_cat_field' => 'Delete Category Field', 'delete_cat_field_confirmation' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this category field?', 'cat_field_deleted' => 'Category field deleted:', 'edit_cat_field' => 'Edit Category Field', 'create_new_cat_field' => 'Create New Category Field', 'cat_field_label_info' => 'This is the name what will appear in the Category Edit page', 'update_existing_cat_fields' => 'Update all existing categories in this group with your new formatting choice?', 'formatting' => 'Formatting:', 'cat_field_html_formatting' => 'Category field HTML formatting', 'can_edit_categories' => 'Can Edit Categories', 'can_delete_categories' => 'Can Delete Categories', 'no_member_groups_available' => 'There are no member groups allowed to %x categories. You may assign these privileges using the member group editor: ', 'missing_required_fields' => 'You Are Missing Required Field(s):', "show_pages_cluster" => "Display Pages Submission Fields", |============================= | lang.search.php |============================= 'search_type' => "Search Type", 'none_of_these_words' => "None of these words", 'search_in' => "Search In", 'search_in_weblogs' => "Search in Weblogs", 'any_field' => "Any Field", 'search_in_articles' => "Search in Articles", 'search_in_titles_articles' => "Search in Titles and Articles", 'search_content_from' => "Search Content From", 'date_since' => "Since", 'today' => "Today", 'past_week' => "Past Week", 'past_month' => "Past Month", 'past_six_months' => "Past Six Months", 'past_year' => "Past Year", 'categories' => "Categories", 'any_category' => "Any Category", |============================= | lang.sites.php |============================= -- Entirely New File -- |============================= | lang.templates.php |============================= "select_all" => "Select All", 'update_and_return' => 'Update and Finished', 'no_templates_available' => "No Templates Available", |============================= | lang.wiki.php |============================= 'search_in_wikis' => "Search in Wikis", 'wikis' => "Wikis", 'any_wiki' => "Any Wiki", 'any_namespace' => "Any Namespace", 'main_ns' => "Main",